Geo2:Chapter 10

  1. Endemism and endemic taxa
    • restricted to one geographic area
    • Ex. Santa Catalina mahagony
  2. Cosmopolitan distribution
    global geographic distribution
  3. Major faunal regions
    • 1. Nearctic
    • 2. Paleartic
    • 3. Neotropical
    • 4. Ehtiopian
    • 5. Austrialian
  4. Botanical geographic realms
    • 1. Boreal
    • 2. Paleotropical-African
    • 3. Paleotropical-Indo-Malaysian
    • 4. Paleotropical-Polynesian
    • 5. Neotropical-South African
    • 6. Australian
    • 7. Antartic
  5. Wallace's Line
    boundary between Australian and Oriental regions
  6. Egg-laying mammals
    • Ex.
    • 1. Short-beaked echidna
    • 2. Long beaked echidna
    • 3. Duckbill platypus
  7. Groups of mammals: Placental and marsupials
    • 1. Placental 
    • -born well developed
    • -longe gestation period
    • 2. Marsupilas
    • -born underdeveloped
    • -pouch
  8. Evolution of flowering plants
    • -Angiosperms are monophyletic, evolved from a common ancestor
    • -Monocots plants evolved from diocots
  9. Musk ox- Neartic endemic
    • -Musk ox is a survivor from the ice age
    • -seemed to be locally extinct in Alaska but reintroduced in Canada and greenland
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Geo2:Chapter 10