Home Economics - The Digestive System

  1. What is digestion?
    Digestion is the breaking down of food into smaller pieces
  2. List the two types of digestion that takes place in our body
    Physical Digestion

    Chemical Digestion
  3. How is food physically broken down?
    Chewed by the teeth in the mouth

    Churned around in the stomach
  4. Image Upload 2

    Correctly identify the part labelled A
  5. Image Upload 4

    Correctly identify the part labelled B
    Oesophagus (Food Pipe)
  6. Image Upload 6

    Correctly identify the part labelled C
  7. Image Upload 8

    Correctly identify the part labelled D
  8. Image Upload 10

    Correctly identify the part labelled E
  9. Image Upload 12

    Correctly identify the part labelled F
    Large intestine
  10. Image Upload 14

    Correctly identify the part labelled G
    Small intestine
  11. How is food chemically broken down?
    By enzymes
  12. What are digestive enzymes?
    These are chemicals that break down food but they do not change in the process
  13. What is the function of digestive enzymes?
    They break down food
  14. What is the movement of the wall of the oesophagus called?
  15. What are proteins broken down into during digestion?
    Amino Acids
  16. What are carbohydrates broken down into during digestion?
  17. What are fats broken down into during digestion?
    Fatty acids and glycerol
  18. What is the main function of the large intestine?
    To remove waste from the body
  19. What are the hair like projections that line the small intestine called?
Card Set
Home Economics - The Digestive System
The Digestive System