Federal Prosecution

  1. Statute
    Federal laws established by the US Congress.
  2. Felony
    A serious crime which may be punished by a heavy fine and/or imprisonment or even death.
  3. Misdemeanor
    A lesser offense, punishable by a small fine and/or a short jail term.
  4. Who determines all penalties for Federal crimes?
    US Congress
  5. What is a Grand Jury?
    Formail device by which a person can be accused of a serious crime.
  6. How many people on Grand Juries have to be present in order to conduct business?
  7. What is the difference between a "No Bill" and a "True Bill"?
    • Indictment is called a "True Bill".
    • If the jury finds insufficient probable cause then it is a "No Bill".
  8. Indictment
    A formal complaint before a grand jury which charges the accused with one or more crimes.
  9. Arraignment
    • The defendent is read the charges filed against them and is advised of their rights.
    • The defendent enters a plea of not guilty or guilty.
    • A trial day is set.
  10. After the arraignment, how many days is it before the trial takes place?
    Within 70 days from the defendent's first appearance in court.
  11. What is a plea agreement?
    An agreement between the prosecutor and the defense attorney/defendent.
  12. What are the options when guilt is decided?
    • - Incarceration in a Federal prison
    • - Probation
    • - A fine
    • - Restitution
  13. The defendant can appeal the sentence or the finding of guilt within how many days of the sentence?
    Within 10 days from the date the sentence was imposed.
  14. What is an affidavit?
    A written declaration setting out the statement of a witness for court proceedings.
  15. What is probable cause?
    The standard where a police officer has the authority to make an arrest, conduct a personal or property search, or to obtain a warrent.
  16. What is a federal magistrate?
    Judges appointed to assist US district court judges in the performance of their duties.
  17. What is another name for a trial jury?
    Petit Juries
  18. How many people are on a criminal jury?
  19. How many people are on a civil jury?
    6 - 12
  20. What is guilt beyond a reasonable doubt?
    The standard of proof required in most criminal cases.
  21. What is meant by deliberation?
    A jury in a trial in court discusses the findings of the court.
  22. What is a hung jury?
    A jury that cannot agree on a verdict.
  23. Original Jurisdiction
    The power of a court to hear a case first, before any other court.
  24. Concurrent Jurisdiction
    Power shared by federal and state courts to hear certain cases.
  25. Appellate Jurisdiction
    The authority of a court to review decisions of inferior courts.
  26. Restitution
    Compensaiton for a loss, damage, or jury.
  27. Verdict
    Jury decision
  28. Supervised Released
    Also known as parole, one is released but must check in with a parole officer.
  29. Due Process Clause
    Part of the 14th amendment which guarantees that no state deny basic rights to its people.
  30. Adversary System
    System of law that relies on the contest between each advocate representing his/her party's positions and involves an impartial person/group.
  31. Indigent
    Extremely poor
  32. Libel
    False and malicious use of printed words.
  33. Slander
    False and malicious use of spoken words.
  34. Aggravating Circumstances
    Makes the crime more violent and calls for a harsher sentence.
  35. Mitgating Circumstances
    Circumstances that call for mercy/leniency.
  36. Bail
    A sum of money that the accused may be required to post as a guarantee that he or she will appear in court at the proper time.
  37. Capital Punishment
    the death penalty
Card Set
Federal Prosecution
Last test before the final.