Chapter 13

  1. T or F:

    A strong oily odor may indicate the presence of rodents
  2. The main purpose of an integrated pest management (IPM) program is to control pests once they have entered the establishment
  3. Stationary equipment should not be covered before applying pesticides since it gives pests a place to hide
  4. Glue traps are used to prevent roaches from entering the establishment
  5. Pesticides can be stored in food-storage areas if they are properly labeled and closed tightly
  6. What is an infestation?
    When pests come into an establishment in large numbers
  7. What is an IPM program?
    A program that uses prevention measures to keep pests from entering an establishment and control measures to eliminate any pests that do get in.
  8. What is needed for a successful IPM program?
    To work with a licensed pest control operator.
  9. What is the purpose of an IPM program?
    • The purpose of an IPM program is to:
    • 1. Deny pests access to the establishment
    • 2. Deny pests food, water, & a hiding or nesting place
    • 3. Work with a licensed PCO and eliminate peststhat do enter
  10. To prevent pests from entering with deliveries what can you do?
    • 1. Use approved, reputable suppliers
    • 2. Check all deliveries before they enter your establishment
    • 3. Refuse shipments that have pests or signs of pests.
  11. To prevent pests from entering the establishments thru doors, windows, & vents...
    • 1. Screen all windows & vents with at least 16 mesh per square inch
    • 2. Install self-closing devices & door sweeps on all doors
    • 3. Install air curtains (a.k.a. air doors, fly fans) above or along side doors
    • 4. Keep drive-through windows when not in use
    • 5. Keep all exterior opening closed tightly
    • 6. Use concrete to fill holes or sheets metal to cover openings around pipes
    • 7. Cover floors and drains with hinged drains
    • 8. Seal all cracks in the floors & walls
    • 9. Properly seal spaces or cracks where stationary equipment is fitted to the floor
  12. How can you tell if your establishment has been infested by cockroaches or rodents?
    • Signs of cockroaches:
    • 1. Strong oily odor
    • 2. Droppings that look like grains of pepper
    • 3. Capsule-shaped egg cases.

    • Sign of rodents:
    • 1. Urine stains revealed by UV light
    • 2. Signs of gnawing
    • 3. Dropping that are shiny & black or gray (older)
    • 4. Tracks
    • 5. Nesting materials, such as scraps of paper, cloth, hair, and other soft materials
    • 6. Holes in quiet places, near food & water, and next to buildings
  13. What are the storage requirements for pesticides?
    Your PCO should store and dispose of all pesticides used in the facility. If they are stored on the premises, follow these guidelines:

    • 1. Keep in original container
    • 2. Store them in a secure location away from where food, utensils, & food equipment are stored
    • 3. Check local regulations before disposing of pesticides.
  14. What precautions must be taken before & after pesticides are applied in your establishment?
    • 1. Have your PCO use pesticides only when you are closed for business & no employees on-site
    • 2. Prepare the area to be strayed by removing all food and movable food-contact surfaces.
    • 3. Cover equipment & food-contact surfaces that cannot be moved.
    • 4. Wash, rinse & sanitize food-contact surfaces after the area has been sprayed
    • 5. Any time pesticides are used or stored on the premises, you should have a corresponding MSDS.
  15. Who should apply pesticides?

  16. Cockroaches typically are found in places that are:

  17. What kind of odor is a sign that roaches might be present?

  18. The three basic rules of an integrated pest management program are:
    1) deny pests access to the operation, 2) ____________________, and 3) work with a licensed PCO to eliminate pests that do enter.

  19. After pesticides have been applied, food-contact surfaces should be

  20. If pesticides are stored in the operation, where should they be kept?

  21. What microorganisms do roaches carry?
    • 1. Salmonella
    • 2. fungi
    • 3. parasite eggs
    • 4. viruses
  22. What pathogens can be spread by flies?
    • 1. Shigella
    • 2. Salmonella Typhi
  23. What are three types of rodent traps?
    • 1. Spring traps
    • 2. Box traps
    • 3. Glue boards
  24. T or F:

    Operation can throw empty pesticide containers in the garbage
  25. T or F:

    The main purpose of an integrated pest management program is to control pests once they have entered the facility
  26. T or F:

    If an operation stores pesticides, it mst store them away from food, utensils, and food equipment
  27. T or F:

    All pesticides are safe for use in foodservice operations
  28. Prevention or Control?

    Throw away garbage away quickly & correctly
  29. Prevention or Control?

    Check all deliveries for signs of pests
  30. Prevention or Control?

    Use FIFO to rotate products
  31. Prevention or Control?

    Keep humidity of storerooms at 50% or less
  32. Prevention or Control?

    Sreeen all windows & vents
  33. Prevention or Control?

    Seal all cracks in floor & walls
  34. Prevention or Control?

    Clean up food & beverage spills immediately, including crumbs & scraps
  35. Prevention or Control?

    Empty water buckets
  36. Prevention or Control?

    Store wet mops on hooks, rather than on the floor
  37. Prevention or Control?

    Cover openings around pipes with concrete or sheet metal
  38. Prevention or Control?

    Keep food and supplies away from the walls and at least 6" off the floor
  39. Prevention or Control?

    Install self-closing devices & door sweeps on all doors
  40. Which of the following are the right things to do to control pests

    A. The PCO stores the pesticides used in an operation
    B. Pesticides are applied when the operation closed
    C. Stationary equipment is left uncovered during pesticide application
    D. Food-contact surfaces are washed and rinsed after pesticide application
    E. The PCO keeps the MSDS
    F. Pesticides are stored in a secure location away from food
    G. The operation uses flying insect killer to kill the flies that get inside the facility
    A, B, F
Card Set
Chapter 13
Integrated Pest Management