1. parietal pluera
    membrane that is attached to the chest wall
  2. visceral pleura
    membrane that is attached to the lung surface
  3. dead space
    areas of the lung outside alveoli where gas exchange with the blood does not take place
  4. hypoxia
    not enough O2 in the body's tissues
  5. hypercarbia
    too much CO2 in the blood
  6. pulse oximetry
    device that measures amount of O2 carried by the hemoglobin in the blood
  7. Cheyne Stokes respirations
    deep respirations alternating with shallow respirations, sometimes apnea in the cycle. Seen in patients with brain injury or tumors
  8. hyperventilation
    abnormal breathing that is rapid and deep
  9. Kussmaul's respirations
    rapid, deep ventilations usually caused by very acidic blood such as some diabetic conditions or aspirin overdose
  10. asthma
    disease that has attacks involving bronchoconstriction and mucus production with difficulty breathing.
  11. Asthma triggers
    allergies, respiratory infections, exercise or emotion
  12. emphysema
    walls of the alveoli break down and lose surface area. Limits ability to the exchange of gases in the alveoli.
  13. COPD
    Includes chronic bronchitis and emphysema. Shortness of breath, usually caused by smoking.
  14. hypoxic drive
    when the stimulus to breathe is the amount of O2 in the blood rather than the norm, which is the amount of CO2 in the blood.
  15. pulmonary edema
    fluid in the lungs
  16. spontaneous pneumothorax
    rupture of part of the lung. allows air to exit the lung and enter plueral lining and the outer covering of the lung. May cause lung collapse.
  17. pneumonia
    caused by infection of the alveolar spaces or by aspiration.
  18. pulmonary embolism
    Obstruction of the pulmonary artery
  19. Side effects of inhalers
    dialated pupils, rapid pulse, muscular tremors, nervousness
  20. Describe assisted ventilation
    • Used when patient has inadequate ventilation but more than 12/minute.
    • 36/minute (fast), give one breath every 3rd breath.
    • 6/minute (slow) give one breath every 5 seconds.
  21. dyspnea
    difficulty breathing
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