the blockage of flow of urine at any point in the urinary tract
urinary tract obstruction
the distention of the renal pelvis and calices with urine
what does obstruction of the urinary tract lead to?
UTI, hydronephrosis, kidney damage
type of calculi often found in children
calculi caused by an inherited condition, often confused with uric acid stones
calculi often associated with gout, truly radiolucent
uric acid
calculi present in patients with alkai urine and UTI caused by proteus bacteria; surgery is common treatment
struvite (staghorn)
80- 85% if urinary stone cases
blind pouch within the bladder wall or urethra; urine gets trapped ant pouch gets infected
urinary diverticula
noncancerous enlargement of the prostate gland, usually seen in aging men
benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH)
abnormal narrowing of the urethra or ureter; more frequent in males due to the greater length of the male urethra
ureteral junction composed of the intravesical ureter, the trigone, and the portion of bladder wall nearest the intravesical ureter
ureterovesical junction (UVJ)
symptoms include: chronic UTI, palpable perineal mass, urethral stones, pus discharge, painful intercourse
urinary diverticula
symptoms include: voiding hesitancy, decreased quality of stream, feeling of incomplete bladder emptying, straining to urinate, dribbling after, urgency, nocturia
symptoms include: prolonged voiding with weak stream, voiding hesitancy, dysuria, frequency, nocturia, urgency, urge incontinence
tests for urinary calculi
KUB, IV palogram, urine culture, UA
test for urinary diverticula
transvaginal ultrasonography, MRI, urethroscopy
tests for BPH
UA, prostatic specific antigen (PSA), IVP, prostatic ultrasound
tests for strictures
urine culture, retrograde urethrogram (RUG)
electrocorporeal shock wave lithotripsy
performed to remove large staghorn calculi from the renal parynchyma
performed to remove one or more stone from the renal pelvis
removal of the entire kidney
removal of stones from the ureter
removal of stones from the bladder
the three surgical approaches for BPH
transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP), transurethral incision of the prostate (TUIP), open simple prostatectomy
surgical transplantation of the ureter to a different site in the bladder