Cases (Cons & Admin)

  1. Jackson
    v Attorney General
  2. Jackson v Attorney General
    2005 UKHL 56
  3. A v
    Secretary of State for the Home Department
  4. A v Secretary of State for the Home Department
    2004 UKHL 56
  5. Thoburn v
    Sunderland City Council
  6. Thoburn v Sunderland City Council
    2003 QB 151
  7. Laws LJ Constitutional Acts
    • Mgana Carta
    • Bill of Rights 1689
    • Acts of Union 1707
    • the Reform Acts
    • HRA 1998
    • Scotland Act 1998
    • Govt of Wales Act 1998
    • ECA 1972
  8. What did Law LJ say made these constitutional acts different in Thoburn v Sunderland City Council?
    They were protected from implied repeal - if parliament wanted any successor act to repeal them then they would have to be explicit
  9. R (Al-Skeini & Others) v
    Secretary of State for Defence
  10. R (Al-Skeini & Others) v Secretary of State for Defence
    2007 UKHL 26
  11. Al-Skeini
    No geographical limitation to the HRA & ECHR but applied where a state had effective control (e.g. embassies military bases overseas)
  12. A & Others V Secretary of State for the Home Depertment 2004 UKHL 56
    That ATCSA 2001 was incompatible with Articles of ECHR
Card Set
Cases (Cons & Admin)
Cases for Cons & Admin Exam