12.2 Vocabulary words

  1. What does Heredity mean?
    Heredity means the passing of physical characteristics, or traits, from parents to offspring.
  2. Define genetics.
    Genetics are the scientific study of heredity.
  3. What Does fertilization mean?
    A new organism begins to form when egg and sperm cells join in the process
  4. Purebred
    Organism is the offspring of many generations that show the same form of a trait.
  5. Alleles
    Are the different forms of a gene.
  6. Dominant Allele
    Is one whose trait always shows up in the organism when the allele is present.
  7. Recessive allele
    On the other hand, is the hidden whenever the dominant allele is present.
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12.2 Vocabulary words
Science vocab words for chapter 12.2