Chapter 12

  1. Historical Events Research
    Research in which social events are studied at one past time period.
  2. Historical Process Research
    Research in which historical processes are studied over a long period of time.
  3. Cross-sectional Comparative Research
    Research comparing data from one time period between two or more nations.
  4. Comparative Historical Research
    Research comparing data from more than one time period in more than one nation.
  5. Case-oriented Research
    Research that focuses attention on the nation or other unit as a whole.
  6. Narrative Explanation
    An idiographic causal explanation that involves developing a narrative of events and processes that indicate a chain of causes and effects.
  7. Event-structure Analysis
    A systematic method of developing a causal diagram showing the structure of action underlying some chronology of events; the end result is an idiographic causal explanation.
  8. Oral History
    Data collected through intensive interviews with participants in past events.
  9. Variable-oriented Research
    Research that focuses attention on vairables representing particular aspects of the cases studied and then examines the relations among these variables across sets of cases.
  10. Method Agreement
    A method proposed by John Stuart Mill for establishing a causal relation, in which the values of cases that agree on an outcome variable also agree on the value of the variable hypothesized to have a causal effect, while they differ in terms of other variables.
  11. Method of Difference
    A method proposed by John Stuart Mill for establishing a causal relation, in which the values of cases that differ on an outcome variable also differ on the value of the variable hypothesized to have a causal effect, while they agree in terms of other variables.
  12. Demography
    The statistical and mathematical study of the size, composition, and spatial distribution of human populations and how these features change over time.
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Chapter 12
Investigating the Social World - Ch. 12 Key Terms