NR 414 Final Exam

  1. What is the saying for the cranial nerves?
    • On 
    • Old
    • Olympus 
    • Towering 
    • Tops 
    • Finn 
    • And 
    • German 
    • Viewed 
    • Some 
    • Hops
  2. What does On Old Olympus Tower Tops A Finn and German Viewed Some Hops stand for?
    • -On = Olfactory- I.
    • -Old = Optic- II.
    • -Olympus =Oculomotor- III.
    • -Towering = Trochlear- IV.
    • -Tops = Trigeminal- V.
    • -A = Abducens- VI.
    • -Finn = Facial- VII.
    • -And = Acoustic- VIII.
    • -German = Glossopharyngeal- IX.
    • -Viewed = Vagus-X
    • -Some = Spinal Accessory- XI.
    • -Hops = Hypoglossal- XII.
  3. What are the functions of the cranial nerves?
    • I & II: smell and visual acuity
    • III, IV & VI: extraocular movements *oculocephalic response * oculovestibular response
    • V & VII: corneal reflex; facial movements
    • VIII: sound articulation
    • IX & X: cough, gag, swallow
    • XI:neck and head movement
    • XII: tongue movement
  4. What part of the nervous system does autonomic fall under?
    Peripheral nervous system and involuntary nervous system
  5. What does the Thalamus do?
    -Relay station

    -Sensory pathways form synapses on way to cerebral cortex
  6. What is Wernicke’s area for?
    language comprehension (temporal)
  7. What is the cerebellum responsible for?
    • •Motor control
    • •Coordination
    • •Sensory perception
  8. What are the two motor neurons and where are they contained?
    Ø Upper Motor Neurons: contained within CNS • Ex. Corticospinal, corticobulbar, and extrapyramidal tracts.

    • Lower Motor Neurons: contained
    • within PNS • Ex. Cranial nerves, spinal nerves
    • of PNS
  9. What are the types of reflexes?
    • -Deep tendon reflexes (myotatic), e.g., knee jerk
    • -Superficial, e.g., corneal reflex, abdominal reflex
    • -Visceral, e.g., pupillary response to light
    • -Pathologic (abnormal), e.g., Babinski’s reflex or extensor plantar reflex
  10. What can people experience sometimes before they have a seizure?
  11. Where is the location of where most breast cancer occurs?
    Upper outer
  12. What can black tarry stools mean?
    • Old dried blood in the stool, mean a GI problem
    • typically a higher problem
  13. What is adduction?
    Movement toward the midline
  14. What is abduction?
    Movement away from the midline
  15. What is JVD rigidity indicative of?
    Right heart failure
  16. What kind of control is the anal sphincter under?
    Voluntary control
  17. What doe the frontal lobe control?
    Emotions and personality
  18. What are common signs of osteoarthritis?
    • unilateral, more common in joints with previous
    • trauma, feel good in the morning but the more they use the joint the worse it feels
  19. What are common signs of rheumatoid arthritis?
    genetic, progressive, usually bilateral with pain in the morning and it gets better when you use the joint
  20. What is Stereognosis?
    the faculty of perceiving and understanding the form and nature of objects by the sense of touch
  21. What is a dermatome?
    the area of skin supplied with afferent nerve fibers by a single posterior spinal root.
  22. How do you grade muscle strength?
    with resistance and grade it out of 5, symmetrical
  23. What junction is visible at the base of the neck?
  24. Where does the end of the scapula fall?
    Between T7 and T8
  25. What vertebrae is below the iliac crest?
  26. What do tendons do?
    They connect Bone to muscle
  27. What do ligaments do?
    Bone to bone
  28. What do you never do with the musculoskeletal system?
    Purcuss or auscultate
  29. What structure is injured with a sprain?
  30. What structure is injured with a strain?
  31. Which structure has the most ligaments?
  32. What are the three sections of the foot?
    Forefoot, midfoot and hindfoot
  33. What is the order of examining the musculoskeletal system?
    Inspection, palpation, range of motion and muscle strength
  34. What is Presbyobia?
    Old age vision loss (farsightedness)
  35. What is presbycusis?
    Old age hearing loss
  36. What is Gynecomastia?
    during adolescence, it is common for breast tissue to temporarily enlarge
  37. Are Supernumerary Nipples normal findings?
  38. What is Tanner stage?
    is a scale of physical development in children, adolescents and adults, based on pubic hair
  39. What part of the finger do you use when examining the breast?
    Fingerpads of the middle three fingers
  40. What is a better screening for prostate cancer than PSA?
    Digital rectal exam
  41. If MD asks you to perform orthostatics on your patient, how would you expect the
    blood pressure and pulse to change if they were to test positive?
    blood pressure decreases, pulse increases
  42. If a patient is concerned about possible kidney stones, what type of pain would
    expect them to be experiencing?
    visceral pain
  43. Which highly vascular endocrine glad straddles
    the trachea in the middle of the neck?
  44. The patient presents with unilateral paralysis
    of the left facial muscles when asked to smile. What would you suspect has taken place?
    CVA (stroke)
  45. Which cranial nerves are responsible for eye movement?
    III, IV, VI
  46. PERRLA is an important part of examination for which aspect of the body?
  47. Increased tactile fremitus would be evident in an individual who has which of the following conditions:
  48. Inspiration is primarily facilitated by which of the following muscles?
    Diaphragm and intercostals
  49. What is S1 created by?
    closing of the tricuspid and bicuspid valves
  50. What is JVD indicative of?
    Right sided heart failure
  51. A patient presents with a distended abdomen.
    Inspection yields a single curve and taut glistening skin, auscultation yields normal bowel sounds over the intestines, palpation is limited due increased intra-abdominal pressure, and percussion yields both tympany and dullness. The patient most likely has/is:
  52. What is the best pulse location to test peripheral circulation?
    Brachial, femoral and radial
  53. Mechanisms that control the movement of venous blood?
    Muscle contraction, valves and pressure from ventilation
  54. Which test should be preformed a patient has senioneural hearing loss?
    Weber and Rinne test
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NR 414 Final Exam
Assessment Final Exam