south and southeast asia culture

  1. rural areas lack?
    indoor plumbing and electricity
  2. main crops?
    rice and wheat
  3. the cities located in south and southeast asia are important?
    trade centers, commercial and cultural centers for the region
  4. most of the large cities were established by?
    colonial powers from western europe
  5. major goal?
    to improve the living conditions and infrastructure
  6. most of south and southeast asia is considered a ?
    developing nation
  7. developing nation?
    still depends on agriculture, rather than industry or technology
  8. by the end of the ____ _____, hindusim was the dominant religion
    epic age
  9. hinduism has not set ?
  10. creed?
    a statement or confessions of belief
  11. what does hinduism teach?
    that reality is one
  12. in hinduism, the many statues and pictures of deities are morely symbols of a?
    universal spirit
  13. hindus call the universal spirit?
  14. every living thing in the universe is part of?
  15. most hindus are?
  16. the 3 most popular deities that hindus believe in are?
    • brahma
    • vishnu
    • siva
  17. brahma?
    creates the world
  18. vishnu?
    preserves the world
  19. siva?
    destroys the world so it can be recreated
  20. gonesha?
    elephant headed god of business
  21. prominent themes in hinduism?
    • dharma
    • samsara
    • karma
    • moksha
  22. dharma?
    ethics and duties
  23. samsara?
    the continuing cycle of birth, life, death and rebirth
  24. karma
    action and subsequent reaction
  25. moksha
    liberation from the cycle of samsara
  26. one key aspect of hinduism is the idea of ?
  27. the belief that everything you do in life will someday come around to you
  28. the cycle of birth and death
  29. in hiduism, things and people dont ?
    die, they simply come back to earth in a different form
  30. the breaking of the cycle of birth and rebirth is called?
  31. hinduism major holiday?
  32. ramayana is aka
    • the festival of lights
    • celebrates the return of rama and sita to their home
  33. in hindusim, the ____ is considered sacred
  34. the cow is a symbol of?
    • abundance
    • the sanctity of all life
    • the earth
  35. hindus ____ worship the cow
    DO NOT
  36. siddhartha gautama?
    • aka buddha
    • the enlightened one
  37. how did buddha receive his answer?
    through a flash of enlightenment or understanding
  38. buddha concluded that nothing is permanent except
    decay and change
  39. what did buddha conclude?
    that human suffering has a single cause, materialistic desires
  40. buddha preached the ?
    4 noble truths
  41. first noble truth?
    everyone suffers
  42. 2nd noble truth?
    desire is the cause of suffering
  43. 3rd noble truth?
    the only way to end suffering is to suppress all desires an achieve nirvana
  44. nirvana?
    a condition or state in which a person is completely at peace
  45. once a person has achieved nirvana, ?
    the cycle of rebirth ends
  46. 4th noble truth?
    offers a series of ethical guidelines for achieving nirvana
  47. what did buddha call the guidelines?
    noble eightfold path
  48. people preferred ____ because it provided rituals/customs for marriage, birth and death
  49. _____ was a thriving religion in southeast and east asia
  50. buddhism 2 branches?
    • theravada buddhism
    • mahayana buddhism
  51. the bulge on top of the head symbolizes buddha's?
  52. long ear lobes, once adorned with heavy earrings, are reminders of?
    that wealth is of little value
  53. a dot on the forehead represents buddha's?
    great spiritual powers
Card Set
south and southeast asia culture
cultrual stuff