Qtr 2 Cervical anatomy exam 2

  1. what lymph nodes are in the pericervical collar?
    • occipital
    • mastoid/retro-auricular
    • parotid
    • buccal
    • submental
    • submandibular
  2. what do the posterior triangle lymphs follow?
    external jugular vein
  3. what do the anterior triangle nodes follow?
    anterior jugular vein
  4. where do all superficial cervical nodes drain?
    deep cervical nodes
  5. what do the deep cervical nodes follow?
    internal jugular vein
  6. what is the sentinel node for thyroid cartilage?
    Prelaryngeal (delphian)
  7. What does the right lymphatic duct receive lymph from?
    right half of head, neck, thorax, and right upper limb only
  8. what nodes are effected in tonsillitis?
    jugulodigastrict/ tonsillar
  9. what is Virchow's node/ trosier's sign?
    supraclavicular node (enlarged by abdominal area)
  10. what node is related to the tip of tongue, central lower lip, floor of mouth, teeth and cheek?
  11. What is used to produce thyroxine and triiodothyronine by the thyriod gland?
  12. What guides the thyroid gland?
    pituitary gland (TSH)
  13. What do the nasoal cavity and sinuses, tongue, salivary glands, upper and lateral lower lip gums, cheek drain into?
    submandibular lymph node
  14. What supplies blood to the thyroid gland?
    superior and inferior thyroid arteries
  15. What drains blood from the thyroid gland?
    superior, middle, inferior thyroid veins
  16. what disorder has elevated thyroid hormones and low TSH?
  17. What is the auto immune disease associated with over-production of thyroid hormone?
    Grave's disease
  18. What is often caused by low iodine diet?
  19. What is the auto-immune disease that is associated with the destruction of thyroid gland?
    Hashimioto's disease
  20. What is the main type of approximately 80 percent of all thyroid cancers?
    papillary carcinoma
  21. What is the main function of parathyroid glands?
    regulate calcium and phosphate balance
  22. what is associated with kidney stones, osteoporosis, fatigue, memory loss, and depression?
    • hyperparathyroidism 
    • (hypercalcemia)
  23. What attaches to the arytenoid cartilage?
    • vocal ligaments
    • intrinsic muscles of larynx
  24. What are the two joints of the larynx?
    • Cricothyroid joint
    • cricoarytenoid joint
  25. What is the function of the cricothyroid joint?
    rotation of thyroid cartilage about horizontal axis
  26. What are the three cavities of the larynx from superior to inferior?
    • Vestibule (laryngeal inlet to vestibular fold)
    • Ventricles (vestibular folds to vocal folds)
    • Infraglottic cavity (vocal fold to inferior border of cricoid cartilage)
  27. What extrinsic muscles depress the larynx?
    • omohyoid
    • sternohyoid
    • sternothyroid
  28. What extrinsic muscles elevate the larynx?
    • Thyrohyoid
    • stylohyoid
    • mylohyoid
    • digastrict 
    • stylopharyngeus
  29. What are all intrinsic muscles except the cricothyroid muscle innervated by?
    recurrent laryngeal nerve
  30. What is the only abductor of the intrinsic muscles of the larynx?
    posterior cricoarytenoid (widens rima glottis)
  31. What is the action of the lateral cricoarytenoid m.?
    • Abduction
    • Closes rima glottis
  32. What is the only intrinsic muscle innervated by the laryngeal nerve?
    Cricothyroid m.
  33. What is the action of the Vocalis m.?
    Relaxer (shortens cords)
  34. What laryngeal muscle opens the laryngeal inlet?
    Thyroepiglottic m.
  35. What drains the region inferior to the vocal folds?
    inferior deep cervical lymph nodes
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Qtr 2 Cervical anatomy exam 2
cervical anatomy