N295 test 2 set 3.txt

    • author "me"
    • tags "N295 test 2 set 3"
    • description "N295 test 2 set 3"
    • fileName "N295 test 2 set 3"
    • freezingBlueDBID -1.0
    • Neumonic for droplet?
    • GRuMMPPy Flu cough cough
  1. What does the G stand for?
    Group A strep (24 hours after effective treatment)
  2. What does the R stand for?
    Rubella (german measles) (for 7 days after rash)
  3. What do the 2 M's stand for?
    • Meningococcal (sepsis, pneumonia, or meningitis) (24 hours after start treatment)
    • Mumps (9 days after treatment started....must be immunized to give care)
  4. What do the 2 P's stand for?
    • Parvovirus (7 days +)
    • Pneumonia (24 hours after treatment starts)
  5. What does the Flu stand for?
    H. Flu (5 days from onset of symptoms our until resolution of symptoms)
  6. What does cough cough stand for?
    Pertussis (whooping cough)
Card Set
N295 test 2 set 3.txt
Droplet precautions