Week 9 Vocabulary

  1. Respitory Organs
    Nose, Pharynx, larynx, bronchi, lungs
  2. External Nares
    Opening into the nose (coarse hair lines vestibule to filter large dust particles)
  3. Olfactory receptors
    located in the superior meatus
  4. Functions of the inner nose
    Warm and moisturize air, smell, and speech tone
  5. Functions of the pharynx
    passageway for food and air, resonating chamber for speech
  6. Nasopharynx
    internal nares and eustachian tubes
  7. Oropharynx
    connection to the mouth
  8. laryngopharynx
    connects esophagus with the larynx
  9. Epiglottis
    Prevents food and liquid from entering the trechia
  10. Thyroid cartilidge
    largest supporting cartilidge, Adams apple
  11. Cricoid cartilidge
    Connects with first trachial ring
  12. Glottis
    Opening above true vocal chords. Speech caused by air vibrating vocal chords
  13. Trachea
    Tubular passage for air - Anterior to esophagus - extends fro cricoid to first thoracic vertebrae
  14. Tracheotomy
    A procedure to allow breathing if the throat is blocked
  15. Primary bronchi
    trachea branches into L & R - Into secondary bronchi - into tertiary bronchi - into bronchioles into terminal bronchioles
  16. Pleural membreane
    Encloses and protects lungs
  17. Parietal pleaura
  18. Visceral Pleura
  19. Pleaural cavity
    between pleaura prevents friction
  20. Alveoli
    surrounds the alveolar ducts - grape like, surrounded by capillary network
  21. Ventilation
  22. Inhilation
    Diaphragm and intercoastals contract - Pressure decreases in lungs, air rushes in
  23. Exhalation
    Diaphragm and inercoastals relax - Pressure in lungs increases, air rushes out.
  24. Urinary system
    Maintains homeostasis by removing and restoring solutes and fluids. Kidney is primary filtering
  25. Excretion
    nitrogenus waste, drugs and toxins
  26. blood volume
    maintained by urinary system
  27. pH
  28. Blood Pressure
    maintained by producing renin
  29. Erythrocyte concentration
    Produces erythrepoietin, which stimulates red blood cell production
  30. Vitamin D
    Producing calicferol, a Vitamin D precursor
  31. External Anatomy
    Kidneys, about the size of a closed fist
  32. Hium
    Passage area for ureters, vessels, and nerves
  33. Renal Capsule
    Surrounding Layer
  34. Medulla
    Inner area - Renal pyramids: tips point inward
  35. Cortex
    Outer area - cortical material between pyramids - Cortex and renal pyramids contain nephron
  36. Nephrons
    Functional units in kidneys
  37. Minor Calyx
    Funnel shaped, collects urine from pyramid ducts
  38. Major Calyx
    Formed from minor calyx - join to form renal pelvis - Narrows to for ureters
  39. Bowman's glomerular capsule
    Double walled globe
  40. Endothelial-capsular membrane
  41. Renal tubule
    Proximal convoluted tube - descending limb, loops and ascending limb of Henle - Distal convoluted tubule
  42. Collecting Ducts
    moves urine to the outlet
  43. Renal arteries
    transports 1200mL of blood per minute, interlodal arteries
  44. Renal veins
    Drains the cleaned blood out of kidneys
  45. Nephron functions
    controls blood concentration and volume - Regulates pH - Removes toxins from blood - Stimulates RBC production
  46. Urine formation
    glumerular filtration - tubular reabsorbtion - tubular secretion
  47. Urine
    95% water, urea, uric acid, electrolytes. 56mL and Hour is normal. 30mL an hour might signify kidney failure
  48. Ureters
    Extensions of renal pelvis
  49. Urine movement
    Peristolsis, gravity, hydrostatic pressure
  50. Urinary Bladder
    Held in position by peritoneum, Detinsor muscle, three-layered smooth muscle.
  51. Internal urinary sphincter
    involuntary control
  52. Micronutrition
    Expulsion of urine from bladder
  53. External Urinary sphincter
    Voluntary control
  54. Bladder capacity
    700-800 mL -200-400mL: conscious of need to urinate - stretch receptors
  55. Urethra
    Connects bladder to the outside
  56. Male urethra
    tip of penis
  57. Reproduction
    Process in where genetic material is passed
  58. Meieosis
    Produces sex cells, sperm to egg to form zygote - Zygote develops embryo
  59. Testes
    Prduces sperm and male hormones
  60. Scrotum
    Accessory Organ - Elevates and descends depending on temperature
  61. Pernis
    Transporting and supporting structure
  62. Seminiferous tubules
    Transport sperm cells
  63. Rete Testis
    Network of ducts
  64. Ductus epididymis
    Site of sperm cell maturation
  65. Epididymis
    Located on posterior border of the testes
  66. Ejaculatory duct
    ejects spermotazoa into urethra
  67. Urethra
    Terminal duct (urethra orifice of meatus)
  68. Seminal vesicles
    Produces viscous part of semen
  69. Prostate Gland
    Produces fluid/liquid part
  70. Bulbourethral glands
    Produces mucous
  71. Semen
    Mixture of sperm cells and other secretion - Fructose -Neutralizes acidity in vagina - Acts as transport medium -2.5-6mL (Average volume)
  72. glans penis
    End of the shaft
  73. Prepuce
    Loose skin covering glans penis -circumcision: removal of prepuce
  74. Ovaries
    Primary sex organ - held in place with ligaments - covered by garminal epithelieum
  75. Oogenesis
    Begins in developing female fetus (700,000 produced) -Developing eggs
  76. Fallopian tubes
    Uterine tube
  77. Uterus
    site of menstration, egg implantation and labor -pear shaped -Uterine cavity -cervicle canal (interior of cervix)
  78. Menstrual Cycle
    (2-8 days)
  79. Menstrual Phase
    4-7 days
  80. Preovulation
    ~10 days
  81. Postovulation
    or secretory phase (~14 days) -corpus luteum develops
  82. Estrogen
    Development of female secondary sex characteristics
  83. Vagina
    Passageway for menstrual flow
  84. Vulva
    External genetalia
  85. Labia
  86. Clitoris
    erectile tissue
  87. Vestibule
    Vaginal and Urethral orifaces
Card Set
Week 9 Vocabulary
Respitory, Urinary and Reproduction