lifespan development - chapter 3 - physical, congitive, language development

  1. what is avg height & weight
    avg weight - 7.5 pounds  and 20"

    gain 1 ounce a day
  2. what is neuron
    basic unit of nervous system

    • denrites of cell body receive information
    • goes down to axon, myelin sheath covers axons and speeds info
    • as axon ends, branches out to terminal buttons
  3. blooming & pruning of brain
    dentrites react to stimuation - if child raised in environment with a lot of stiumation, cortex gets heavier! 

    “Blooming (development) and pruning” vary considerably by brain region

    Pruning -- unused connections are replaced by other pathways or disappear

    Prefrontal cortex -- the area of the brain where higher-level thinking and self-regulation occur
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lifespan development - chapter 3 - physical, congitive, language development
physical, cognitive, language