WHAP Chapter 25

  1. the name of a tribe of south africa people who live in the northern part of natal. they were the dominate tribe in the late 19th century when european imperialism began. they resisted both the boers and the british, but ultimately lost their homeland and freedom by 1879.
  2. a large muslim state founded in 1809 in what is now northern nigeria. the largest state in west africa since the 16th century. made up of united hausa states and neighboring areas that had been conquered. the caliph ruled from the city of sokoto.
    Sokoto Caliphate
  3. the process of reforming political, military, economic, social, and cultural traditions in imitation of the early success of western societies, often with regard for accommodating local traditions in non-western societies.
  4. ethiopian ruler that brought majority of ethiopia under imperial rule and encouraged manufacture of weapons locally in the 1840s
    Emperor Téwodros
  5. he is the best known explorer and missnarie in africa he traveled across africa for 30 years he was against the slave trade and he wanted to open up africa to christanity and trade.
    Doctor Livingstone
  6. exports from africa in the nineteenth century that did not include the newly outlawed slave trade. (p. 714)
    "Legitimate" trade
  7. africans rescued by britain's royal navy from the illegal slave trade of the nineteenth century and restored to free status. (p. 655)
  8. east african island that became international slave-trading center in the 1700s
  9. a merchant trader from zanzibar who created a sphere of influence in tanzania and the congo
    Tippu Tip
  10. a muslim prince allied to british india; technically, a semi-autonomous deputy of the mughal emperor.
  11. an indian soldier serving under british command.
  12. the name given to the period and territory of direct british colonial rule in south asia between 1858 and 1947--from the time of the attempted indian revolt (sepoy mutany) to the independence of india.
    British Raj
  13. the revolt of indian soldiers in 1857 against certain practices that violated religious customs in india against the brisith; also known as the sepoy mutiny.
    Sepoy rebellion
  14. an elaborate display of political power and wealth in british india in the nineteenth century, apparently in imitation of the pageantry of the mughal empire.
  15. the elite professional class of officials who administered the government of british india. originally composed exclusively of well-educated british men, it gradually added qualified indians.
    Indian Civil Service
  16. a movement and political party founded in 1885 to demand greater indian participation in government. its membership was middle class, and its demands were modest until world war i. led after 1920 by mohandas k. gandhi, appealing to the poor.
    Indian National Congress
  17. an indian who pushed for reforms by combining hinduism and western thought, promoted indian nationalism
    Rammohun Roy
  18. south africans descended from dutch and french settlers of the seventeenth century. their great trek founded new settler colonies in the nineteenth century. though a minority among south africans, they held political power after 1910. (735)
  19. originally held by british as part of colony of malaya; largely chinese population; british attempted to create invulnerable naval base; captured by japanese during world war ii; emerged after war as independent port.
  20. a kingdom called modern myanmar. britain wanted control in order to protect its possessions in india. it also sought a land route through burma into south china.
  21. a member of a polynesian group that settled new zealand about 800 c.e.
  22. native peoples of australia.
  23. a voluntary agreement binding a person to work for a specified period of years in return for free passage to an overseas destination. before 1800 most indentured servants were europeans; after 1800 most indentured laborers were asians. (p. 670)
    Contract of indentures
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WHAP Chapter 25
Chapter 25: Africa, India, and the New British Empire, 1750-1870