Psy 150 U6 CH16

  1. anxiety disorders
  2. generalized anxiety disorder
    A disorder in which ppl are almost constantly plagued by exaggerated worries
  3. panic disorder
    A disorder characterized by frequent bouts of moderate anxiety and occasional attacks of sudden increased heart rate, chest pains,  difficulty breathing sweating faintness and trembling
  4. social phobia
    A severe avoidance of other ppl and an especially strong fear of doing anything in public
  5. agoraphobia
    An excessive fear of open or public places
  6. phobias
    Strong persistent fears of specific objects extreme enough to interfere
  7. resistant to extinction
  8. systematic desensitization
    A method of reducing fear by gradually exposing ppl to the object of the fear
  9. Be able to describe some of the behavior therapies for phobias
    systematic desensitization- reducing fear by gradually exposing ppl to the objects their afraid of  

    flooding (w/fear)- a sudden exposure to a phobia rather than gradually 

    drug therapy- valium, benzodiazepine, xanax
  10. obsessive-compulsive
    A condition with repetitive thought and actions
  11. Know what the therapies of OCD are
    exposure therapy- when a person is presented a situation where they would normally act out their OCD but they are prevented from performing it

    drug clomipramine and related anti-depressant helps 50% of ppl
  12. dependence
    A self destructive habit that someone finds difficult or impossible to quit
  13. tolerance and withdrawal
    The weakened effect of drug after repeated use

    Experience that occur as result of the removal of a drug from the brain
  14. addiction
    A self-destructive habit that someone finds difficult or impossible to quit
  15. Be able to say describe the various treatment for alcoholism
    antabuse, AA, controlled drinking and contingency management
  16. antabuse
    The trade name for disulfiram a drug used in the treatment of alcoholism
  17. AA
    A self help group of people who are trying to abstain from alcohol use and to help others do the same
  18. harm-reduction
    An approach to drug abuse that concentrates on decreasing the frequency of drug use and minimizing the harmful consequences to health and well-being
  19. contingency management
    a form of behavioral therapy where ppl are monitored by urine or breathalyzer and when they are clean they are immediately rewarded
  20. Be able to describe how opiate dependence is like alcohol dependence
    they both show hereditary tendency; that is the closer your genetic relationship to an opiate  abuser the higher the probability of developing the same problem
  21. methadone treatment
    self-help groups and contingency management
  22. major depression
    a condition lasting most of the day, day after day, with a loss of interest and pleasure and a lack of productive activity
  23. seasonal affective depression or disorder (SAD)
    a condition in which people become seriously depressed in one season of the year, such as winter
  24. bipolar disorder (manic-depressive disorder)
    a condition in which a person alternates between periods of depression and periods of mania
  25. explanatory style
    a tendency to accept one kind of explanation for success or failure more often than others
  26. trycyclic drugs
    are drugs that block the reabsorption of the neurotransmitters after they are released by the terminal buoton thus prolonging the effect on the receptors of the postsynaptic cell
  27. SSRIs (Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors)
    They block the reuptake of neurotransmitter serotonin
  28. monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs)
    drugs that block the metabolic breakdown of released dopamine norepinephrine and serotonin thus prolonging the effects of these neurotransmitters on the receptors of the postsynaptic cell
  29. mania
    a condition in which ppl are constantly active, uninhibited, and either excited or irritable
  30. what the two types of
    bipolar disorder
    bipolar I disorder- a disorder condition characterized by at least one episode of mania 

    bipolar II disorder-a disorder condition characterized by episodes of major depression and hypomania, which is a milder degree of mania
  31. schizophrenia
    a condition marked by deterioration of daily activities over a period of at least 6 months, plus hallucinations, delusions, flat or inappropriate emotions, certain movement disorders, or thought disorders
  32. positive(present) and negative(absent)
    symptoms of schizophrenia
    Positive- hallucinations and delusions

    • delusion of persecution
    • delusions of grandeur
    • delusion of reference

    Negative- lack of speech and emotional expression, lack of ability to feel pleasure and general inability to take care of oneself
  33. describe the four
    types of schizophrenia
    Catatonic- prominent movement disorder, including either rigid inactivity or excessive activity

    Paranoid- elaborate hallucinations and delusions, especially delusions of persecution and delusion of grandeur  

    Undifferentiated- basic symtoms deterioration of daily functioning plus some combination of hallucinations, inappropriate emotions thought disorders and so forth   

    Residual- who have had an episode of schizophrenia and who are partly but not fully recovered
  34. disorganized schizophrenia
    incoherent speech, extreme lack of social relationships and "silly" or odd behavior
  35. dopamine (and glutamate) hypotheses
    the underlying cause of schizophrenia is excessive stimulation of certain types of dopamine synapses
  36. antipsychotic drugs
    that is a drug that can relieve schizophrenia
  37. tardive dyskinesia
    a disorder characterized by tremors and involuntary movements
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Psy 150 U6 CH16
unit 6 chapter 16