1. What are the 7 layers of the OSI model?
    • 7. Application
    • 6. Presentation
    • 5. Session
    • 4. Transport
    • 3. Network
    • 2. Data Link
    • 1. Physical
  2. What are 3 characteristics of the Physical layer in the OSI model?
    • 1. Hubs
    • 2. Repeaters
    • 3. Cables
  3. What are 3 characteristics of the Data Link Layer of the OSI model?
    • 1. Bridges
    • 2. Switches
    • 3. MAC address
  4. Give two main characteristics to remember of the Network layer of the OSI model?
    • 1. Routers
    • 2. Gateway
  5. What OSI model layer uses TCP, UDP and delivers communications between nodes?
    Layer 4: Transport
  6. If you manage communications, for example server to client, what OSI model layer would you refer to?
    Layer 5: Session
  7. True or False: The Presentation Layer of the OSI Model is responsible for coding JPEG and GIF.
  8. What layer refers to the user interface serving as applications outside the model, for example FTP?
    Layer 7: Application
  9. What does OSI Model stand for?
    Open System Interconnection Model.
  10. To help remind us of the 7-Layer OSI model, one might use this word association as....
    All People Seem To Need Digital Phones
  11. What does De-encapsulation do to a packet?
    Removes the Header and Footer.
  12. What is UDP?
    User Datagram Protocol
  13. Define protocol.
    A protocol is a controlled sequence of messages that are exchanged between two or more systems to accomplish a given task.
  14. What does PPP stand for?
    Point to Point protocol
  15. What does FDDI stand for?
    Fiber Distributed Interface
  16. What does TCP/IP stand for?
    Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol
  17. What does IPX/SPX stand for?
    Internet Packet Exchange/Sequence Packet Exchange
  18. What does NetBeui stand for?
    Network Base Input/Output...PC Network Protocol
  19. What does HTTP stand for?
    Hypertext Transfer Protocol (Web Browser for WWW)
  20. What does IRC stand for?
    Internet Relay Chat (text messaging)
  21. What does SMTP stand for?
    Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
  22. What does FTP stand for?
    File Transfer Protocol
  23. What does TEP stand for?
    Terminal Emmulation Protocol
  24. What does LPR stand for?
    Line Printer Protocol (sends jobs to printer)
  25. What does NFS stand for?
    Network File System (protocol access files to and from the network).
  26. Explain spread spectrum.
    To combine two tone frequencies to create a third frequency.
  27. What does BER stand for?
    Bit Error Rate
  28. What does UART stand for?
    Universal Asychronance Receive Transmit
  29. What does BPF stand for?
    Ban Pass Filter
  30. What does FSK stand for?
    Frequency Shift Key
  31. Name 6 characteristics of a cable modem.
    • 1. Always connected
    • 2. QAM (modulation phase)
    • 3. Compression
    • 4. Noiseless Technology
    • 5. Higher Clock Frequency
    • 6. Error Detection/correction technology
  32. What is the distance requirement for ADSL?
    9,000 - 18,000 feet from the Central Office
  33. What is the function of a DSL filter?
    To separate low analog from data.
  34. Where is the DSLAM located?
    At the Central Office
  35. Human speech or voice frequency is heard at what range?
    300 - 3000Hz
  36. What are the 4 characteristics of a square wave?
    • 1. Amplitude
    • 2. Risetime
    • 3. Falltime
    • 4. Pulse width
  37. What are the 5 characteristics of a sine wave?
    • 1. Voltage Peak (Vp)
    • 2. Voltage Peak to Peak (Vpp)
    • 3. Voltage Root Means Square (Vrms)
    • 4. Cycles
    • 5. Frequency
Card Set
Basic Electronic Engineering