Cargo Movement

  1. A combat support system that provides automated base-level processing for cargo movements and during peacetime, and deployment cargo and passenger movement during contingencies.
  2. What system provides numerous processes to aid in the deployment of Air Force units to support worldwide contingency operations?
  3. A composite system that supports worldwide contingency operations
    IDS-Integrated Deployment System
  4. An automated command and control (C2) information system that supports the family of transportation users and providers of ITV information.
    GTN-Global Transportation Network
  5. Everyone who requests a GTN account is required to follow up the electronic request with a hand copy signed by...
    Your supervisor or unit security officer
  6. This system is an AIS designed to support ocean cargo documentation requirements and terminal management functions.
    WPS-Worldwide Port System
  7. Under the Management Reform Memorandum #15, the Secretary of Defense targeted 3 areas for improvement for payment processes:
    • 1. Fix the transportation account code (TAC) process
    • 2. Test the use of IMPAC
    • 3. Eliminate GBLs for domestic shipments
  8. Using Powertrack, if there is more than a (blank) variation in the amount estimated versus the amount billed, Powertrack does not pay the carrier and requires manual approval.
  9. This publication establishes joint policies for all DOD components in developing uniform requirements for packaging material acquired, stored, or shipped.
    AFMAN 24-206, Packaging of Material
  10. This publication outlines the AFOSH program, which is implemented to minimize the loss of Air Fore resources and protect Air Force people from occupational deaths, injuries, and illnesses by managing risks
    AFI 91-301, Air Force Occupational and Environmental Safety, Fire Protection, and Health (AFOSH) Program
  11. This publication defines the Air Force's minimum safety, fire protection, and occupational health standards.
    AFOSH STD 91-501, Air Force Consolidated Occupational Safety Standard
  12. What part of the 49 CFR consists of Transportation of Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration?
    Parts 100-185
  13. The Technical Instructions for the Safe Transport of Dangerous Goods by Air (shipping of HAZMAT by commercial air)
    The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO)
  14. The international regulation for commercial air HAZMAT preparation, but based on the ICAO.
    IATA-International Air Transport Association
  15. Three documents used for shipping Government-owned cargo:
    • DD Form 1348-1A
    • DD Form1149
    • DD Form 250
  16. This form is usually produced by a contracting organization and forwarded to a vendor to use as a shipping document.
    DD Form 250
  17. You normally see the DD Form 250 only when...
    you receive inbound shipments directly from a vendor
  18. TP-1
    Priority designator: 01-03
  19. TP-2
    Priority designator: 04-15 and the RDD code is 777, 555, 444, or N-NMCS

  20. TP-3
    • Priority designator: 04-15
    • Any MILSTRIP shipment and the RDD field is blank or has a Julian date that is greater than 8 days

    Ex: 06
  21. TP-2, for intra-CONUS and intra-theater shipments, the actual RDD is
    more than 2 days, but less than 8 days, from the time the shipment is in-checked at the packing and crating section
  22. Shipments that have the most urgent need
    RDD code 999
  23. A piece count is not required , unless the material is...
    classified, hazardous, pilferable, high-value or MICAP
  24. In the NMFC, the breakpoint is calculated by the following formula:
    TL/LTL X MW = breakpoint
  25. Before making any rail shipment, DOD shippers must consult the (blank) to consult the destination cargo movement's element to ensure rail capability exists.
    TFG-Transportation Facilities Guide
  26. Rail has the advantage over highway shipping because
    of the large amounts of cargo that can be handled at one time
  27. Who administers the worldwide express air cargo contract with participating carriers, such as FedEx and DHL?
  28. What ACA office within the United states is located at Wright-Patterson AFB, OH and its role is overall systems management and operations oversight?
    ACA Central
  29. DTS vessel transportation is usually by commercial contract vessel and is arranged by the SDDC. Who controls these and other DOD-owned US Navy vessels?
    MSC-Military Sealift Command
  30. Who maintains and provides an Emergency Traffic Management Plan (ETMP) to support the National Plan for Emergency Preparedness?
  31. Who directs TMOs to implement emergency procedures according to restrictions imposed on commercial transportation by government control agencies?
    Activity commanders
  32. On the shipment planning document, the project code indicates...
    a need for an expedited TP
  33. Dimension codes:
    • A - Shipment is not a consolidation and does not exceed 72 inches
    • C - Shipment is a consolidation but does not exceed 72 inches
    • D - Shipment is a consolidation and does exceed 72 inches
    • Z - Shipment is not a consolidation but does exceed 72 inches
  34. Mode/Method of Shipment
    • A - Truckload
    • B - Less than truckload
    • C - Van
    • D - Drive away, truck away, tow away
  35. This TPS requires constant surveillance of a shipment by a qualified carrier representative.
    CS-DOD Constant Surveillance Service
  36. This TPS requires continuous attendance and surveillance of a shipment by 2 qualified drivers and one must stay at least 25 feet from the vehicle during stops.
    DD-Dual Driver Protective Service
  37. This TPS requires the carrier to provide telephonic vehicle location reports at time intervals specified on the bill of lading.
    MVS-Motor Surveillance Service
  38. This TPS provides periodic position location reports, in-transit status change, and electronic emergency situation notification.
    SM-Satellite Motor Surveillance Service
  39. A rail tracking service provided by the rail companies to keep the SDDC informed of the status and location of rail cars during movement.
    MTX Service
  40. Security Risk Categories
    • Category 1 - Highest sensitivity AA&E
    • Category 2 - High sensitivity AA&E
    • Category 3 - Medium sensitivity AA&E
    • Category 4 - Low sensitivity AA&E
  41. Security Risk Categories, Minimum TPS Required
    300 lbs of 3, 4, 7, uncategorized 1.1, 1.2, and 1.3 requires SM and DD
  42. Requesting route orders, SDDC must route:
    SECRET material, unless using a GSA contract small package express carrier developed for SECRET and CONFIDENTIAL material
  43. Requesting route orders, SDDC must route:
    Vehicles in drive-away or tow-away service
  44. The routing authority provides an IRO response within how many days?
    • 10 days
    • 24 hours for emergency IROs
  45. Methods of preservation:
    • Method 10 - Physical protection
    • Method 20 - Preservative coating
    • Method 30 - Waterproof protection
    • Method 40 - Water-vapor-proof protection
    • Method 50 - Water-vapor-proof protection w/dessicant
  46. Barrier material that provides greaseproof and waterproof protection
  47. Heat sealing factors:
    • Temperature: 525 degrees F
    • Dwell Time: 1/2 second to obtain good seal
    • Pressure: 40-80 psi
  48. The time it takes for a cushioning material to return to its original shape after compression
    Rate of recovery
  49. Considerations about the shipment
    • Mode of transportation
    • Load characteristics
    • Storage requirements
    • Destination and field conditions
  50. Two kinds of wooden boxes most often used in the Air Force:
    • 1. Nailed wooden box
    • 2. Cleated panel box
  51. What nail group has heavier softwoods, and have better nail-holding power but are more inclined to split?
    Group II
  52. What nail group is most useful for making box ends and cleats?
    Group III
  53. Moisture content in Lumber groups I, II, III:
    not more than 19 percent but not less than 12 percent
  54. Slope in grain must not exceed
    1" in 8" of length for lumber
  55. Knots, when measured across the width of the board, should not be more than
    4" or one-third the width of the board
  56. What is the reference for SPI Management Notices?
    AFI 24-202
  57. What is the primary purpose of the reusable container program?
    To ensure containers are available at a moment's notice to send reparable aircraft parts to repair depots
  58. The only time you use fiberboard for blocking and bracing is to prevent movement of disassembled parts and...
    to provide openings for bags of dessicant
  59. What material is exceptionally well suited for blocking and bracing?
  60. Three specialty bolts:
    • J-bolts
    • U-bolts
    • Tie-rods
    • that can be used for unusual blocking and bracing requirements
  61. The most important factor in marking military supplies
    Surface preparation
  62. Split pack is best suited for heavy or bulky items. The 2nd step for making a split pack is:
    Drape the polyethylene film over the item
  63. Parts can be destroyed or damaged by ESD voltages as low as (blank) volts.
  64. To protect static-sensitive devices while handling and packaging, it is important you provide
    a conducive path to ground the environment
  65. Marking exterior containers requires yellow caution labels placed...
    • Two 4"X4" yellow labels for containers that exceed 1/2" cubic foot
    • Two 2"X2" yellow labels for containers that is less than 1/2" cubic foot
  66. Protection for packaging must be provided to prevent
    physical damage
  67. A substance that could cause damage to the environment and required they be label as such is
    Hazardous substance
  68. Classes of Hazardous Materials: Explosives
    Class 1, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6
  69. What publication is used when you're preparing and certifying any HAZMAT moving on military aircraft?
    AFMAN 24-204 (based on the 49 CFR)
  70. The US Department of Transportation (DOT) publishes what book that contains information needed by first responders to HAZMAT incidents?
    Emergency Response Guidebook (ERG)
  71. The 345 TRS conducts what HAZMAT preparers course?
  72. Column 5, of Packing Group I means:
    Great danger
  73. This computer program is actually a database that lists all tested and approved packages of HAZMAT.
    (PC-POP) Personal Computer-Performance Oriented Packaging
  74. Besides a Signature and Tally Record being used for classified or protected cargo, what can be used for military shipments (AMC)?
    Air or truck manifests
  75. A REPSHIP is not required if an automated advanced shipment notice capability exists (e.g. the CMOS).
  76. The destination receiving office must immediately inform the security officer and the origin shipping office if the shipment is not received by the REPSHIP ETA and...
    the responsible carrier cannot provide shipment accountability, acceptable explanation for the delay and a new arrival date.
  77. The Air Force uses (blank) to obtain transportation services from commercial carriers.
  78. An agreement by which the local finance office allots a specified amount of Government appropriated funds for obligation by the cargo movements element.
    Obligation Authority (OA)
  79. The transfer of funds to pay for services or material is accomplished using what document?
    AF Form 9, Request for Purchase
  80. You keep tracking of the amount of funding available through the use of
    AF Form 616, Fund Cite Authorization
  81. An OA is issued in
    specific amounts; the maximum amounts that can be obligated and the amounts obligated are documented on the reverse with "call numbers" used to track these entries.
  82. What agency monitors TDR actions worldwide and initiates investigative and corrective actions?
  83. When you discover a discrepancy in a shipment received from a carrier,
    stop unloading and examine the entire shipment immediately
  84. The most commonly used form in the TDR system to report transportation discrepancies.
    SF 361
  85. SF 361 can be used to
    Adjust inventory and financial records
  86. When discrepancies in the shipment are noted, prepare an SF 361 as required by what regulation?
    DOD 4500.9R
  87. Miscellaneous TDR example:
    Improperly marked or missing labels
  88. When property is lost, damaged, or destroyed by an individual or organization, the organization that has possession of the property initiates the ROS by who?
    That unit's commander
  89. The transportation of all material from a procurement source outside the DOD supply system to the first point at which the USAF takes possession or ownership is
    First destination transportation (FDT)
  90. The transportation of material already in the USAF inventory and supply system is
    Second destination transportation (SDT)
  91. The Air Force munitions community implemented what program nicknamed (Blank). All movement documents directing shipment of munitions or missiles must contain a (blank) provided by the shipper.
    PACER AMMO; project code
  92. The code that identifies the actual resources (personal and equipment) used to complete a capabilities package.
    ULN-Unit Line Number
  93. This document lists, by OPLAN, all UTCs the wing is tasked to support; it also lists the times, movement data, and modes of transport.
    TPFDD- Time-Phased Force and Development Data
  94. This statement defines a unit's expected mission capability upon OPLAN execution.
    DOC Statement
  95. A reporting technique that describes wartime capabilities in terms of personnel strength, equipment and supplies on hand, and training currency.
    SORTS Report
  96. The affected organization begin preparing for deployment...
    After the concept briefing
  97. The central point from which IDOs can discharge their responsibilities
  98. Who provides vehicles and drivers to support the deployment operations?
  99. The cargo manifest and passenger manifest produced by (blank) include the cargo and people actually on that plane.
  100. What system feeds information about deploying cargo to the CMOS?
  101. What regulation do UDMs consult and undergo training from the wing IDO office?
    AFI 10-401
  102. This airlift provides continuous air movement from the CONUS to and between different overseas areas.
    Strategic airlift
  103. This airlift provides services during emergencies through contractual arrangements with selected US airlines.
  104. This airlift supports command and staff movements, aircrew repositioning, medical team moves, and intelligence support.
    Operational support
  105. The single DOD operating agency responsible for providing DOD sealift service.
    MSC-Military Sealift Command
  106. What agency acts as the single Air Force agency for the shipper service in all matters concerning the movement of Air Force material to and from overseas activities through common user water terminals?
    WPLO-Water Port Liason Office
  107. Who issues ICC Transport Mobilization (TM) orders for emergency mobilization and considered "self-triggering"?
    The ICC (Interstate Commerce Commission)
  108. What are installation-level plans designed to support unified and specified command wartime OPLANS?
    BSP-Base Support Plans
  109. BSP/ESPs:
    • Part 1 - identifies resources and capabilities of a location by functional area
    • Part 2 - allocates resources identified in part 1 (LIMFACS)
  110. What regulation provides guidance for developing transportation-related inputs into the BSP/ESP?
    AFI 10-404
  111. BSP/ESP Part two:
    contains guidance limited to actions taking place during exercise plan EXPLAN/OPLAN execution
  112. Who is responsible for establishing a base support planning committee?
    The installation commander
  113. How often should the BSPC meet?
    at least semiannually
  114. Who determines if an installation augmentation program is required?
    The host installation commander or equivalent GSU commander
  115. To ensure the maintenance of a comprehensive logistics record, all significant recurring support provided by the Air Force should be recorded on the
    DD Form 1144, Support Agreement
  116. Types of agreements:
    • Intraservice - agreement between active duty Air Force, ANG or AFRES
    • Interservice - agreement between DOD components (AF support the Navy)
  117. MOA
    Usually documents the exchange of services and resources
  118. When completed, the DD Form 1144 includes...
    a summary of the savings and costs to the federal government resulting from the agreement.
  119. Who directs procurement contracting officers to obtain transportation officers' advise and assistance concerning solicitations, awards, administration, modification etc. etc.
    The FAR (Federal Acquisition Regulation)
  120. TMF must be familiar with the FAR Subparts and with transportation clauses such as
    FAR, Part 52
  121. Transportation teams augment existing freight packaging operations. Teams can be redeployed to other theater locations for recovery or
    RADS - Rapid Area Distribution Support
  122. Command of non-mobilized USAFR units is exercised through the
    commander, AFRES
Card Set
Cargo Movement
SKT-Cargo Movement