American History

  1. The Homestead Act contained all of the following requirements before land ownership was transferred EXCEPT

    D) . settler must be a white male
  2. The Morrill Land Grant Act was created for the purpose of

    D) . providing state swith a way to raise money to build colleges
  3. The gold standard would be supported by all of the following EXCEPT

    A) . farmers
  4. What happened at the Massacre at Wounded Knee?

    A) . American soldiers killed more than 150 unarmed Sioux
  5. African Americans who

    B) . exodusters
  6. The Bland Allison Act did which of the following?

    B) . required the federal government to purchase and coin more silver
  7. Fredrick Turner's thesis held that the frontier

    D) . helped create the strong, individualistic American spirit
  8. The primary goal of the Dawes Act was to

    C) .b). to encourage Indians to buy land as individuals, which would help them assimilate to white culture
  9. The People's Party gained support for their presidental candidate in 1896 prinmarily from what areas of the country

    B) . the south and west
  10. Member of the People's Party were most often referred to as

    B) . populists
  11. African American soldiers were called _______ by Indians who encountered them in the west

    C) . buffalo soldiers
  12. Republicans who wanted to abolish the sports system were referred to as

    A) . Independents
  13. Republicans who deserted their party and voted for a Democrat in one of the Guilded Age elections were called

    C) . Mugwamps
  14. Jim Crow laws were laws that

    A) . seperated the races
  15. In the case of Plessy vs Ferguson, the Supreme Court

    A) . established the seperate but equal doctrine upholding segregation
  16. During the early 1900s The National Assossication for the Advancement of Colored People was an example of how African Americans

    B) . used the court system to fight discrimmination
  17. As immigrants crowded into major cities many people began to move to suburbs, which resulted in

    A) . the rise of tenements and ghettos in the city
  18. Immigration quotas were put in place to

    A) . restrict immigration by national origin
  19. In the 1890s immigration patterns shifted dramatically, with most immigrants now coming from

    C) . Southern and Eastern Europe
  20. During the 1840s and 1850s the largest group of immigrants arrived from

    C) . Ireland
  21. All of the following were arguments in support of Imperialism EXCEPT

    C) . Foreign goods were often superior to American products
  22. All of the following lead to the Spanish American war EXECPT

    C) . The Spanish navy sunk two American ships in the Gulf of Mexico
  23. The primary goal of the US during the Spanish American war was to

    A) . gain sphere of influence in South America
  24. All of the following countries came under some form of U.S. control as a result of the Spanish-American War EXCEPT:

    B) . Hawaii
  25. Which of the following was NOT an advantage of building the Panama Canal?

    D) . it strengthened ties between Colombia and the US
  26. The US gained control of the Canal Zone by

    C) . funding and organzing the Panamanian rebellion
  27. What was the central message of the Roosevelt Corollary?

    B) . The US would use force to prevet foreign intervention in the affairs of neighboring countries
  28. Muckrakers were

    D) . journalists
  29. All of the following were part of the Pendleton Civil Service Act EXCEPT

    D) . gave friends of the President the best jobs
  30. The Red Scare was in response to

    B) . the Russian Revolution
  31. What was the significance of the Sacco and Vanzetti trial?

    C) . it proved that immigrants couldn't receive a fair trial
  32. How did life change for American women in the 1920s?

    A) . Many women felt freer to experience with bolder styles and manners
  33. What did Italy, Germany, and Japan have in common in the 1930s?

    D) . they sought to solve their nations' problems through conquest
  34. What promoted the US to enter WWII?

    C) . the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor
  35. The final Neutrality Act passed by Congress allowed the US to

    D) . sell weapons and military goods to our allies on a cash and carry policy
  36. The Battle of Midway was significant becase

    B) . the US victory prevented Japan from launching an offensive campaign in the Pacific after this
  37. In what part of the world were the battles of Coral Sea, Midway, and Guadalcanal fought?

    A) . the Pacific
  38. Which of the following best describes Japanese kamikazes?

    B) . bomb-loaded planes whose pilots deliberatly crashed into targets
  39. The Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor caught American forces off guard for all the following reasons EXCEPT

    B) . the US Navy didnt expect the Japanese to attack American ships since they were neutral
  40. An important strategy used by the German forces in Europe was

    B) . blitzkrieg
  41. The US was slow to react to the Holocaust for all of the following reasons EXCEPT

    A) . FDR was unaware of Hitlers actions
  42. The __________ authorized the President to aid any nation whose defense was seen as vital to American security

    A) . Lend Lease Act
  43. Germany's goal in the Battle of the Atlantic was to

    D) . keep food and war supplies from reaching GB and the USSR
  44. The Battle of Stalingrad was significant because
    a). stopped Germany's advance to Russia
    b). stoped Germany's advance to Belgium
    c). stopped the Japanese advance eastward
    d). was the final step in allowing Hitler to take over the USSR
  45. V-E Day was celebrated on

    B) . May 8, 1945
  46. Under the Executive Order 9066 FDR ordered

    C) . that all Jap.- American be moved to internment camps
  47. Centers in remote inland areas were Japanese Americans were confined during WWII were called

    A) . internment camps
  48. Who was tried at hte Nuremberg Trials?

    A) . Nazi leaders accused of crimes against humanity
  49. Prohibition was repealed with the passage of the

    D) . 21st
  50. The Hawley Smoot Tariff wasnt successful because

    B) . countries couldnt afford it
  51. The _______ was a group of WWI vets who protested in Washington for money

    B) . Bonus Army
  52. The major environmental crisis that affected farmers in the Midwest was

    D) . Dust Bowl
  53. The Hawtley Smoot tarrif

    D) . increased taxes to the highest level in history
  54. One sign that the economy might be weakening was

    A) . more goods were being produced than consumed
  55. Though few in numbers, flappers represented

    B) . desire to break with the past
  56. People who illegally made and transported liquor during the 1920s

    B) . bootleggers
  57. The lost generation was a group of

    B) . writers who felt lost in a greedy, materialistic world
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American History
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