chapter 5-7 soc..txt

  1. Which strategy contributes to empowerment?
    education, more you know the more power you ahve
  2. What are the kinds of power?
    • Reward - ability to reward
    • coercive - ability to punish
    • legitimate - power due to obligation (boss)
    • referent - power from respect
    • expert - power due to more knowledge
    • informative power - power based on a person's use of fact
  3. What is Hegemony based on?
    italian marxist
  4. the queen of england's power is legitimate because?
    authorized power
  5. All systems of stratification containw hich combinations of factors?
    unequal distribution of resources
  6. Sociologists interested in systems of stratification would most likely focus on social factors?
    they focus on class, race, and gender
  7. systems of stratification based on ascribed status typically encourage what type of social mobility?
    no mobility
  8. systems of stratification based on acheived status typically encourage what type of social mobility?
    social mobility
  9. what is the indian caste system based on?
    unequal distribution of social honor or respect
  10. Which stratification s ystem accomplishes the LEAST inequality?
    Democratic socialism
  11. A country which supports close government involvement of the economy, higher taxation, and generous social welfaire polocy is an example of what economic system?
    socialist class system
  12. Some feminists argue that male domination of women is based in the system of capitalism. women play what role?
    cheap labor
  13. Political participation in the US depends most heavily on which factors?
    higher class people
  14. How has money been spent in american political campains?
    towards self advertisement
  15. What percentage of the campaign contributions come from a small but powerful minority?
  16. describe socialization
    when people learn about their culture's norms, values, belifs and appropriate behaviors
  17. list agents of socialization
    family, shcool, media, peer groups, the workplace, religion.
  18. what is the "hidden curriculum"?
    hidden lessons of how children should act
  19. Which values are MOST likely to be taught to american children?
    be quiet, atentive, obediance, respectful, pride and competition
  20. What is today's adolecents refered to as generation __?
    generation m
  21. Who would likely be the most important socializing agents in a new work envirotment?
  22. What kind of institution expects complience to strict rules without complaint?
    total institution ( jail)
  23. What are rituals that often require children to suffer painful procedures?
    rites of passage
  24. which stage in life course is filled with contradictions that exist between culture and bio?
  25. how is the life course-sequence sequence different for men and women?
    • men= work, marry, children, divorce, unemployment (fixed)
    • women= more diverse
  26. Which stage of the life-course is challenging due to the U.S. cultural emphasis on youth?
    aging and retirement
  27. what is it called when biology is thought to influence human behavior?
    biological determinism
  28. How do genes and the social enviroment relate to one another?
    • they are in direct correlation
    • same gene and hieght example
  29. symbolic interactionists would be interested in studying what aspect of education?
    learning through looking at how the world perceives you
  30. What allows people to communicate?
    the brain
  31. what are the societal consequences of stereotypes?
    can cause a false sense of reality
  32. 3 step process where individuals go through as they construct reality
    • externalization
    • objectivation
    • internalization
  33. what is it called when roles of statuses and individual occupies clash with one another?
    role conflict
  34. when the responsibilities or expectations of a single status compete with one another, what occurs?
    role strain
  35. What perspective is it when a sociologist studies social interaction using metaphors of theatres?
  36. what ist he goal of impression management?
    to control the image people have of you during a performance
  37. what type of social contract occurs between people who are similer of gener, age, and race?
  38. What is an example of a homophily
    a friendship
  39. what is a social group?
    a group of people who know eachother's social statuses.
  40. what is a reference group?
    a group we compare ourselves.
  41. why do organizations as they grow larger tend to become formalized?
    informal structures become adequate?
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chapter 5-7 soc..txt
chapter 5-7