Word Clues #2

  1. Eu
    good, well
  2. eugenics
    • good
    • begin, origin
    • selective breeding to improve a race
  3. eulogy
    • good
    • speech
    • a funeral speech
  4. euthanasia
    • good
    • death
    • mercy killing, death with dignity
  5. utopia
    • good
    • place
    • good place, perfect society
  6. euphemism
    • good
    • appear
    • mild word to replace a harsh one
  7. Caco
  8. cacophony
    • bad
    • sound
    • a bad sound
  9. cacography
    • bad
    • write, draw
    • bad handwriting and/or spelling
  10. cacogenics
    • bad
    • begin, origin
    • selective breeding to deteriorate a race
  11. cacology
    • bad
    • speech
    • bad grammar/misuse; faulty speech
  12. Mega
  13. megalopolis
    • large, great
    • city
    • large city from a blending of 2 or more cities
  14. megalith
    • large
    • stone
    • large stone
  15. megalomania
    • large, great
    • crazy, obsession
    • obsession with unreasonably large projects
  16. megalocardia
    • large
    • heart
    • abnormal enlargement of the heart
  17. megacephaly
    • large
    • head
    • abnormal enlargement of the head
  18. Micro
  19. micrometer
    • small
    • measure
    • instrument used for precise measurement of very small distances
  20. microcosm
    • small
    • world
    • depiction of the world in a small setting sharing characteristics of the large world
  21. Macro
  22. macrocyte
    • large
    • cell
    • very large (red) blood cell
  23. macropteran
    • large
    • wing
    • any organism with large wings
  24. macrocosm
    • large
    • world
    • the universe, the cosmos
  25. macroeconomics
    • large
    • environment/house
    • arrange/law
    • science of how money functions on a large scale
  26. Tele
  27. telekinesis
    • far, distant
    • move
    • moving objects at a distance with the mind
  28. telehydrobathometer
    • distant
    • water
    • depth
    • measure
    • instrument that measure the depth of water at a distance
  29. telecast
    • distant
    • throw
    • tv show
  30. telephoto
    • distant
    • light
    • magnified due to light gathering strength
  31. television
    • distant
    • see
    • device that enables us to see across a distance
  32. Mania
  33. kleptomania
    • to steal
    • obsession
    • obsession with taking things that aren't yours
  34. mythomania
    • legend
    • obsession
    • obsession with lies and gossip
  35. pyromania
    • fire
    • obsession
    • obsession with fire
  36. nymphomania
    • fairy
    • obsession
    • a woman's incessant craving for sex
  37. ergomania
    • work
    • obsession
    • work obsession, workoholic
  38. Phobia
  39. agoraphobia
    • marketplace
    • fear
    • fear of crowded open spaces
  40. xenophobia
    • alien (foreign)
    • fear
    • fear of strangers
  41. acrophobia
    • height
    • fear
    • fear of heights
  42. heliophobia
    • sun
    • fear
    • fear of the sun
  43. demophobia
    • people
    • fear
    • fear of people
  44. claustrophobia
    • to enclose
    • fear
    • fear of tight places
  45. Arch
    rule, govern
  46. anarchy
    • without
    • rule, govern
    • without rule, chaos
  47. monarchy
    • one
    • rule, govern
    • ruled by a father figure
  48. matriarchy
    • mother
    • rule, govern
    • ruled by mother figure
  49. architect
    • rule, master, director
    • art, skill, builder
    • designer of buildings
  50. archipelago
    • rule, govern
    • ocean
    • chain of islands
  51. archetype
    • rule, govern
    • kind, sort
    • best example of a type of literature
  52. hierarchy
    • sacred
    • rule, govern
    • system of organization with clearly defined levels of authority
  53. Dem
  54. democracy
    • people
    • rule
    • ruled by the people
  55. demography
    • people
    • write, draw
    • study of people as a population, statistical
  56. demagogue
    • people
    • to lead
    • a leader who rises from the common people-later corrupted by power and greed
  57. pandemic
    • all
    • people
    • affecting all people
  58. endemic
    • in
    • people
    • within a group of people (disease)
  59. Gen
    race, kind, origin
  60. genesis
    • origin
    • any beginning
  61. genetics
    • origin
    • science of heredity
  62. genre
    • kind
    • kind or type of literature
  63. geneology
    • origin
    • study
    • the study of your family tree
  64. genocide
    • race
    • kill
    • mass killing of a race
  65. genus
    • kind
    • broad category
  66. homogeneous
    • same
    • kind
    • composed of similar parts
  67. heterogeneous
    • unlike, different
    • kind
    • composed of dissimilar part
  68. Gon
    angle, origin
  69. theogony
    • god
    • origin
    • theological study of a culture's god
  70. cosmogony
    • world, universe
    • origin
    • study of the origin of the universe
  71. goniometer
    • angle
    • measure
    • instrument used to measure angles
  72. pentagon
    • 5
    • angle
    • geometric figure with 5 angles
  73. hexagon
    • 6
    • angle
    • geometric figure with 6 angles
  74. octagon
    • 8
    • angle
    • geometric figure with 8 angles
  75. polygon
    • many
    • angle
    • geometric figure with many angle
  76. Gyn
  77. gynecology
    • women
    •  study
    • medical study of what makes women different from men
  78. gynecolatry
    • women
    • worship
    • worship of women
  79. gyniatrics
    • women
    • treatment
    • medical treatment of a women
  80. gynarchy
    • women
    • rule,govern
    • rule by women
  81. gynandromorph
    • women
    • man
    • structure
    • an organism with both male and female parts
  82. androgyny
    • man
    • women
    • combination of masculine and feminine characteristics
Card Set
Word Clues #2
Second Test set