Social Policy MidTerm

  1. "Providing help, resources, and benefits so people can achieve their maximum potential" is hte definition of the NASW Code of Ethics' core value of:
  2. _____ refers to the condtion that in a perfect world all citizens would have identical rights, protections, oppurtunities, obligations, and social benefits regardless of their backgrounds and membership in diverse groups.
    Social Justice
  3. The NASW Code of Ethics includes all of the following core values except
    Ethical dilemmas
  4. ____ is described in the core values of the NASW Code of Ethics as holding in high esteem and appreciating individual value.
    Dignity and worth of the person
  5. "Maintaining trustworthiness and sound adherence to moral ideals" describes the _____ value of the NASW Code of Ethics.
  6. All of the following are considered ethical standars of the NASW Code of Ethics except:
    Social workers' repsonibilty to educational programs
  7. According to the NASW Code of Ethics, which of the following is considered a social workers ethical repsonsibility to collegues:
    Interdiscplinary collaboration
  8. According to the NASW Code of Ethics, client _____ is the condition of being free fromunauthorized observation or intrusion.
  9. _____is the ethical principle that workers should not share information provided bya client or about a client unless that worker has the client’s explicitpermission to do so.
  10. Which of the following topics was discussed in the section of the text regardingsocial workers’ ethical obligations to help people at the macro level:
    Establishing an affirmative action policy
  11. _____is the transfer of people across international boundaries to enslave them insome way, usually involving forced labor or sexual exploitation.
    Human trafficking
  12. Which of the following is true:
    If a social worker strongly believes that a client’s religious beliefs could be a detriment to the client, the worker must respect the client’s right to make his own decisions
  13. NASW stands for Nurturance and Acceptance in Social Work.
  14. Critical thinking concentrates on the process of reasoning.
  15. The text suggests using the Triple Trio approach to critical thinking.
  16. TemporaryAssistance to Needy Families is an example of a developmental perspective ofsocial welfare.
  17. Advocacyinvolves actively intervening in order to help clients get what they need.
  18. Empowermentis the process of increasing personal, interpersonal, or political power sothat individuals can take action to improve their life situations.
  19. The Triple A approach to critical thinking involves
    Ask, assess, assert
  20. The______ perspective of social welfare focuses on problems and gaps.
  21. The ______ perspective of social welfare viewspeople’s needs as a normal part of life.
  22. The____ perspective on social welfare programs originated after World War II inThird World countries.
  23. Prior to the Great Depression of the 1930s, the ______ approach to social welfaredominated
  24. The developmental perspective on social welfare programs gained impetus in theUnited States beginning in the:
  25. The developmental perspective on social welfare programs gained impetus in theUnited States beginning in the:
  26. All of the following statements would probably be made by a person of conservativeideology except:
    There's always a better way to get things done
  27. ______is the philosophy that supports government involvement in the social,political, and economic structure so that all people’s rights and privilegesare protected in the name of social justice.
  28. Conservatives generally believe:
    People are born with infinite possibilities for being shaped for the good
  29. According  to the ______ philosophy, poverty exists toenhance the prestige and status of the middle class because they have others tolook down upon.
  30. _____is a skilled treatment process whereby a therapist works with an individual,couple, family, or group to address a mental disorder or alleviate otherproblems the client may be having in the social environment.
  31. _____emphasizes the study of behavior and cognitive processing.
  32. Families lie somewhere between _____ systems.
    Micro and Mezzo
  33. Organizations and communities are considered _____systems.
  34. The______ system is the system that social workers need to change or influence inorder to accomplish their goals
  35. All of the following are dimensions that make social work unique except:
    Social workers track people into specific ways of thinking and acting
  36. _____involves the distribution of resources in a fair and equitable manner.
    Economic Justice
  37. _____refers to groups of people with some identified characteristics who have agreater chance of being subjected to social and economic deprivation than thosein the mainstream.
  38. _____involves the process of increasing personal, interpersonal, or political powerso that individuals can take action to improve their life situations.
  39.  _____ is the identification of the nature andextent of client needs and concerns, as well as critical information aboutclient resources and supports and other environment factors so that a helpingplan can be devised and implemented
  40. The NASW Code of Ethics is composed of all the following primary facets except:
  41. Feudalism was the principal type of political organization in Europe until the:
  42. After feudalism’s demise in Europe:
    Alaw was passed restricting the unemployed from moving about
  43. The _____ was considered the first piece of legislation establishing coherent, consistent publicsupport for needy people through local taxes.
    ElizabethanPoor Law
  44. The English Elizabethan Poor Law was established in
  45. _____ were institutions in England where the impotent poor were placed and provided food andshelter.
  46. The_____ established the residency requirement in England that required potentialaid recipients to have dwelled in a particular location for a designated time.
    Law of Settlement
  47. The_______ was a system of supplementing the income of all poor people so everyonewould have a minimum income necessary for survival.
    Speenhamland System
  48. All of the following is true regarding theearly poor laws in the American colonies except:
    The colonists reflected a residual view of social welfare
  49. The Civil War occurred from:
  50. The mammoth growth in manufacturing and technology that occurred in the U.S.between the Civil War and the early 20th century was called:
  51. ______were neighborhood-based centers where students, humanitarians, and others livedto help people living in poverty improve their lives and communities.
  52. Charity Organization Societies:  
    Initially used friendly visitors who tried to help people figure out how to solve theirproblems
  53. _____begana settlement house in Chicago called the Hull House.
    Jane Addams
  54. _____wrote Social Diagnosis, the first book to address professional social workpractice.
    Mary Richmond
  55. The______ was first held in 1909 and was such a success that it had been heldevery 10 years since, except for 1981 when the Reagan administration canceledit.
    White House Conference on Dependent Children
  56. The 19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, granting women the right to vote, waspassed in:
  57. Franklin Delano Roosevelt initiated a package of programs called the:
    New Deal
  58. The_____ provided federal grants to the states for people in need and establishedcamps for displaced persons, provided loans to college students, and purchasedland for tenant farmers.
    The  Federal Emergency Relief Act
  59. The_____ channeled funds to finance various public works such as building roads,cataloging resources in libraries, digging drainage ditches, and renovatingparks.
     The Civilian Works Administration
  60. The intent of the _____ was to stimulate depressed industries by contracting withprivate businesses to build extensive public facilities.  Projects included airports, dams,flood-control projects, and military installations.
    The Public Works Administration
  61. The_____ initially recruited males between 18 and 25 who were receiving publicassistance, and transported them to revitalize parks in the West.
    The Civilian Conservation Corps
  62. The_____ supported the work of artists, musicians, writers, and scholars—providedjobs from heavy construction to the painting of murals in local libraries andorchestral performances in the schools.
    The Works Progress Administration
  63. ______provided benefits related to certain designated risks assumed by workingpeople.
    Social insurance
  64. _____provided assistance for older adults; dependent children in single-parentfamilies; children with disabilities; and people who are blind.
    Social insurance
  65. The landmark ruling in 1954 by the Supreme Court that overturned the separate butequal doctrine and declared that racial segregation in public schools wasunconstitutional was:
    Brown v. Board of Education
  66. The“Great Society” was initiated by President:
    Lyndon B. Johnson
  67. _____provided preschoolers with resources designed to meet educational, health, andrecreational needs through the year
    Operation Head Start
  68. _____developedand coordinated efforts by neighborhood organizations to fight poverty andimprove social and economic conditions for community residents
    Community Action Program
  69. _____recruited impoverished youths ages 16-24 from disadvantaged urban and ruralcommunities, and provided them with residential training, employment, and workskills.
    Job Corps
  70. _____targeted school-age children and presented them with special educationresources and incentives to prevent them from dropping out of school.
    Upward Bound
  71. _____involved people recruited to work in urban and rural neighborhoods experiencingeconomic and cultural problems.
    Volunteers in Service to America
  72. ThePersonal Responsibility and Work Opportunities Act was passed during the _____presidency.
    Bill Clinton
  73. President Barack Obama’s health-care reform plan is entitled the:
    Patient Protection and Affordable Health Care Act
  74. The Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Land:
    Was the first federal welfare agency
  75. The Immigration Acts of ______ halted Asian immigration almost altogether, and thatlasted until
  76. The_____ in 1917 gave all people born on the island of Puerto Rico U.S.citizenship.
    Jones Act
  77. The Civil Rights Act of _____ was the most important piece of civil rightslegislation since the Civil War
  78. CesarChavez formed the:
    National Farm Workers Association
  79. The most famous Native American protest group is called:
    American Indian Movement
  80. Mid-eighteenth century John Locke’s tabula rasa approach suggested that children:
    Were inherently pure and good
  81. The_____ mental health movement emphasized provision of care in people’s owncommunities.
  82. The_____ mental health movement emphasized specialized psychiatric units andpsychotherapy.
    Mental hygiene
  83. The mental hygiene movement occurred in the United States from:
  84. As a result of _____ and her followers’ efforts, over 30 state mental hospitalswere established around the middle of the 1800s.
    Dorothea Dix
  85. In 1955 seven separate professional organizations came together to form the:
    National Association of Social Workers
  86. The Council on Social Work Education made accreditation available to BSW programsin:
  87. The Social Security Act was passed in:
  88. In_____, Brown v. Board of Education was decided.
  89. The Speenhamland system was a very successful policy, and is still in existencetoday.
  90. Early poor laws in the American colonies frequently placed dependent children inapprenticeships
  91. Early poor laws in the American colonies frequently placed dependent children inapprenticeships
  92. The second phase in the process of how policy is developed and implemented is:
    Identification of problems and needs
  93. A_____ is defined as values held by the majority that sway public opinion inthat direction.
    Normative orientation
  94. The fifth phase of social welfare policy development involves:
    Implementation through a social welfare program
  95. The final phase in the process of social welfare policy development is:
    Agency service delivery
  96. Broad components to explore in order to understand any policy include all of thefollowing except:
    Who proposed the policy development
  97. Food stamps, free school lunches, and rent subsidies are considered ______ benefitsprovided to eligible clients.
  98. Which of the following would be considered a personal social service:
  99. _____is the condition whereby people meet the designated criteria or requirements toreceive benefits.
  100. A means test usually includes assessment of all of the following except:
    Food supplies
  101. A principle of _____ is that failure to succeed generally is due to complex,unfair stresses and problems in the environment.
  102. _____is the philosophy that the government should not interfere unless absolutelynecessary
  103. The primary principles involved in conservatism include:
    It is each individual’s responsibility to work and succeed
  104. Condy and Hily are two women who are currently residing at the Loving Arms homelessshelter.  They begin a discussion aboutthe state of social welfare programs in the country when Hily says “It issociety’s obligation to assist people in adjusting to the turbulent anddemanding contemporary environment.” Condy nods her head and says, “You go, girl!  You sure are talking like a _____.”
  105. The primary principle involved in _____ is that the system requires a majoroverhaul to achieve more appropriate goals.
  106. Basic concepts inherent in the residual perspective on social welfare policy andprogram development include:
    Social welfare policies and programs should be reactive, solving problems only afterthey occur
  107. Public education through high school is considered a _____ social welfare benefit.
  108. Policy _____ is a systematic evaluation of how effectively a policy addresses the targeted problem or issue, meets people’s needs, and achieves its goals.
  109. All of the following are steps in the Five-E approach to social welfare policyanalysis except: 
    Economic ramifications
  110. ______ established the Children’s Defense Fund.
    Marian Wright Edelman
  111. _____led various social workers, clients receiving public assistance, civil rightsworkers, and assorted other welfare rights groups and formed the NationalWelfare Rights Organization.
    George Wiley
  112. All of the following are listed in the text as methods social workers can use toconduct policy practice and advocacy except:
  113. ______are individuals who are hired to attempt to influence legislators’ decisionsand votes through direct communication.
  114. The_____ of the National Association of Social Workers solicits information frompolitical candidates to establish their positions on social welfare issues anddetermine the extent to which their stances comply with social work values andgoals.
    Political Action Committee for Candidate Election
  115. Which of the following was cited by Dobelstein regarding benefits to people living inpoverty:
    If the government would divert the money it spends on in-kind benefits toproviding cash directly, it would spend no more and possibly spend less
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Social Policy MidTerm