Origin and Insertion

  1. Superficial pectoral
    (descending, transverse superficial pectoralis)
    • origin: cranial sternum
    • insertion: greater tubercle of humerus
    • action: adducts thoracic limb
  2. Deep pectoral
    • origin: sternum
    • insertion: greater tubercle of humerus
    • action: adducts and pulls thoracic limb caudually
  3. Xiphihumeralis
    • origin: sternum
    • insertion: humerus
    • action: adducts thoracic limb
  4. 4 pectoral muscles
    • descending superficial pectoralis
    • transverse superficial pectoralis
    • deep pectoral
    • xiphihumeralis
  5. Brachiocephalicus
    • cleidocephalicus
    • origin: skull
    • insertion: clavicular tendon
    • action: pull thoracic limb forward, extends shoulder

    • cleidobrachialis
    • origin: clavicular tendon
    • insertion: humerus
    • action: pulls thoracic limb forward, extends shoulder
  6. Omotransversarius
    • origin: wing of atlas
    • insertion: spine and acromion of scapula
    • action: advances limb
  7. Trapezius muscle
    • origin: transverse process of atlas
    • insertion: spine of scapula
    • action: elevate and abduct forelimb
  8. Rhomboideus
    • Rhomboideus capitis
    • origin: occipital bone

    • Rhomboideus cervicis
    • origin: spinous process of cervical vertebrae

    • Rhomboideus thoracis
    • origin: spinous process of thoracic vertebrae

    • insertion: scapula
    • action: elevate forelimb
    • *all have same insertion&action
  9. Latissimus dorsi
    • origin: last 7 thoracic vertebrae and spinous process of lumbar vertebrae
    • insertion: teres major tuberosity of humerus
    • action: draws limb caudally , flexes shoulder joint
  10. Serratus ventralis
    • origin: cervical vertebrae and ribs
    • insertion: dorsomedial scapula
    • action: supports trunk
  11. Sternocephalicus
    • origin: sternum
    • insertion: occipital bone
    • action: flex (lower) head and neck, draws head to side
  12. Platysma
    • origin: tissue on spinous process of cervical vertebrae
    • insertion: fibers around lips
    • action: draws commissures of lips caudally
  13. Temporalis
    • origin: parietal, temporal, frontal, occipital bone
    • insertion: coronoid process of mandible
    • action: elevate mandible to close mouth when chewing, moves mandible laterally
  14. Masseter
    • origin: zygomatic arch
    • insertion: lateral side of mandible
    • action: elevates mandible to close mouth when chewing
  15. Digastricus 
    • origin: occipital and temporal bones
    • insertion: ventral mandible
    • action: opens mouth
  16. Mylohyoideus
    • origin: medial mandible
    • insertion: median raphae between mandible
    • action: raises floor of mouth
  17. extrinsic muscles of the thoracic limb
    • superficial pectoral muscle
    • deep pectoral muscle
    • brachiocephalicus muscle
    • omotransversarius muscle
    • trapezius muscle
    • rhomboideus muscle
    • latissimus dorsi muscle
    • serratus ventralis muscle
  18. muscles of the head and neck
    • sternocephalicus muscle
    • platysma muscle
  19. muscles of mastication
    • temporalis muscle
    • masseter muscle
    • digastricus muscle
    • mylohyoideus muscle
  20. all of the pectoral muscles
    • originate from sternum
    • insert on humerus
    • adduct the limb
Card Set
Origin and Insertion
lab 1