Precepts-God loves Israel & Salvation for Israel

  1. 2 chronicles 9:8
    God loved Israel
  2. Hosea 11:1
    Israel in egypt, then I loved him
  3. Psalms 47:4
    Jacob whom he loved
  4. Malachi 1:2
    yet I loved Jacob
  5. Romans 9:13
    Jacob have I loved
  6. Deut.7:8
    the LORD loved you
  7. Dan.12:1
    people found written in the book
  8. Isaiah 45:17
    Israel shall be saved
  9. Jer.23:6
    Judah shall be saved
  10. Jer.46:27
    land of their captivity
  11. Zech.8:13
    Israel; so will I save you
  12. Matt.15:24
    lost sheep of the house of Israel
  13. Luke 1:68-70
    redeemed his people,
  14. Lev.26:17
    they that hate you shall reign over you
  15. Acts5:31
    to give repentance to Israel
  16. Romans 9:27
    a remnant shall be saved
  17. Romans 11:26
    all Israel shall be saved
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Precepts-God loves Israel & Salvation for Israel