
  1. mette la main a\ la pa/\te.
    to lend a hand, to help s/o do s/th.
  2. la pa/\te.
  3. le riverain
    resident, local.
  4. riverain.
    • bordering, stretching along;
    • riverside, waterside, riparian.
  5. costaud.
    dough, hefty, beefy.
  6. une e/che/ance.
  7. a\ moyenne e/che/ance.
    at mid-point, mid term.
  8. en vrac.
    in bulk, higgledy-piggledy.
  9. transporteur en vrac.
    bulk carrier.
  10. un ence/pagement.
    wind stock plantings.
  11. le cep.
    wine stock.
  12. le ce/pagement.
    variety of vine, grape variety.
  13. radie/ (de)
    struck off, removed (from).
  14. radier.
    srike/cross off.
  15. fro/\ler.
    come close to, skirt, brush.
  16. notamment.
    especialy, particularly.
  17. d'autant que.
    especially as, particularly as. as far as.
  18. ce n'est pas sorcier.
    it isn't rocket science.
  19. borgne.
    blind in one eye; shady.
  20. a\ coeur serre/.
    heavy hearted.
  21. a\ coeur brise/.
    broken hearted.
  22. un portrait-robot.
    composite sketch.
  23. prendre de court.
    catch off-guard, unawares.
  24. mirobolant.
    unrealistic, fabulous.
  25. eclairer la laterne de qqn.
    enlighten sb, put sb in the picture.
  26. haie d'honneur.
    guard of honor.
  27. de/risoire.
    • derisory, pathetic, ridiculous;
    • (price) insignificant, minimal, low.
  28. de toute sorte.
    all sorts.
  29. souder a\ la chair.
    bonded with the flesh.
  30. souder.
    weld, bond.
  31. la chair.
  32. renouer.
    renew, reestablish, revive, keep alive.
  33. poltron.
  34. peureux.
    • fearful, apprehensive;
    • jittery, uneasy, spooked.
  35. un volet.
    • shutter, blind;
    • part, section, component.
  36. une tranche.
    slice, edge, part, round, group, bracket.
  37. trancher.
    • slice, cut, chop;
    • judge, decide, solve, cut short.
  38. ca me tourne en bourrique.
    that will drive me crazy.
  39. la bourrique.
  40. faire tourner en bourrique.
    to drive sb nuts, up the wall.
  41. le sparadrap.
  42. pallier.
    compensate, overcome, mitigate.
  43. une cellule souche.
    stem cell.
  44. les gueles casse/es.
    disfigured faces. (ww1, result of war wounds, poor surgery).
  45. battu en breche.
    penetrated, beat (bre\che=breach)
  46. la bre\che
    • breach, gap, hole;
    • chip, chink.
  47. endiguer.
  48. autant que.
    as much as.
  49. la ve/tuste/.
  50. la ferronnnerie.
    iron works.
  51. la de/sinvolture.
  52. la aisance.
    • ease, poise, facility;
    • affluence, wealth;
  53. les aisance.
    lavatory, rest room.
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