Transcription case study 3, vocab

  1. acute hepatic failure
    sudden onset of liver failure
  2. advanced cardiac life support
    set of interventions for urgent treatment of cardiac arrest
  3. alveolitis
    inflammation of alveoli
  4. amphoric
    describing a hollow sound resulting from percussion over a lung cavity
  5. ancillary
  6. acystolic
    pertaining to asystole (absence of cardiac contraction)
  7. atrial fibrillation
    rapid irregular contractions of atria (upper chamber)
  8. atrial flutter
    • rapid contraction of atria
    • more regular than fibrillation
  9. axial sections
    cross sections obtained in a horizontal plane of structure of body

    by slicing or by imaging techniques
  10. axillary
  11. basal ganglia calcifications
    deposits of calcium in basal ganglia
  12. bilateral
    both sides
  13. bleb
    abnormal air-filled or fluid-filled sac
  14. bronchoscopy
    visual exam of bronchial passages of lungs through bronchoscope
  15. brushings
    • cell samples obtained with a brush,
    • sent for exam of cells for carcinoma/ other disease (like tuberculosis)
  16. carina
    downward/backward projection of lowest tracheal  cartilage

    ridge between openings of right/left main bronchi
  17. cavitary lesions
    abnormal tissue areas containing cavities
  18. cerbral edema
    excessive accumulation of fluid in brain

    substance causes swelling
  19. code blue
    meaning a pt.'s heartbeat/respiration have ceased

    needing immediate resuscitation procedures
  20. congestion
    swelling of blood vessels due to engorgement with blood
  21. cords
    referring to vocal cords

    2 bands of muscle w/i larynx

    vibrate to produce voice
  22. cortical atrophy
    death of cells in cerebral cortex
  23. Coumadin
    trade name for wafarin sodium

  24. CT
    abbrv. for Computerized tomography
  25. dialysis catheter
    inserted into major vein in order to filter the blood of impurities

    done in pts. whose kidneys have less than normal functions
  26. echocardiogram
    record using ultrasound to bounce back ultrasonic waves from heart
  27. effusion
    escape of fluid into a body part or tissue
  28. ejection fraction
    volume of blood in ventricles at end of diastole that is ejected during systole
  29. EKG leads
    conductors connected to an electrocardiograph machine
  30. embolectomy
    removal of a blood clot from a blood vessel
  31. endobronchial
    w/i the bronchi or bronchial tubes
  32. epiglottis
    lid-like structure

    fold back over larynx during swallowing

    prevents food from entering lungs
  33. ET tube
    endotracheal tube

    inserted into trachea

    assist in ventilating pt.
  34. etiology
    cause or orgin
  35. fungemia
    presence of fungal growth in blood stream
  36. glottis
    vocal apparatus of larynx

    several structures form supporting structures of vocal cords
  37. hemoccult
    test to discover blood in stool
  38. hemodialysis
    removal of waste substances from blood

    by machine
  39. hemoptysis
    spitting up of blood or blood-stained sputum

    result of pulmonary or bronchial hemorrhage
  40. hepatosplenomegaly
    enlargement of liver/spleen
  41. high-flow oxygen
    highest setting on the oxygen machine
  42. hilar
    depression, notch, opening where vessels and nerves enter an organ
  43. HPI
    abbrv. History of Present Illness
  44. hydrocephalus
    increase in volume of cerebrospinal fluid in ventricles of cerebrum
  45. hypokinesia
    abnormal decrease in motor function/activity
  46. hypoxic
    pertaining to deficient oxygen=ation of tissue
  47. idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis-
    hardening of pulmonary lung structures of unknown or spontaneous origin
  48. infiltrate
    collection of inflammatory cells, foreign organisms, cellular debris

    when present on chest x-ray it indicates pneumonia
  49. INR
    abbrv. for international normalized ratio

    clotting studies performed along with PT and PTT
  50. intravenous
    w/i or into a vein
  51. intravenous contrast
    material inserted into a vein that allows differences in tissues to be delineated
  52. intubation
    insertion of a tube into a body canal
  53. Klebsiella pneumoniae
    etiologic agent of acute bacterial pneumonia

    species name, microbiology genus
  54. lesion
    abnormality due to a disease process/injury
  55. low-flow oxygen
    lowest setting on oxygen machine
  56. malaise
    vague feeling of bodily discomfort
  57. mechanical ventilation
    supported or provided by a machine
  58. mediastinal
    membranous partition separating the lungs or 2 pleural sacs
  59. MVA
    motor vehicle accident
  60. myocardial infarction
    necrosis/injury of heart muscle due to lack of blood supply to area
  61. nasoduodenal feeding tube
    tube through nose and down to esophagus/stomach to sit at first part of intestine
  62. nephrologist
    medical specialist in diagnosing/treating kidney disease
  63. open-lung biopsy
    taking small sample of apparently diseased tissue in surgery
  64. palpitations
    rapid/irregular heartbeats

    used in plural form
  65. parenchymal
    pertaining to essential elements of organ

    "functional elements of an organ"
  66. prothrombin time
    test for coagulation factors of blood
  67. pseudocords
    false cords

    part of larynx
  68. pulmonary
    pertaining to lungs
  69. pulmonary vascular congestion
    engorgement of pulmonary vessels occurring in cardiac disease, infections, certain bodily injuries
  70. rhonchi
    sounds with a musical pitch in bronchial tubes due to inflammation, spasm, muscle, or presence of mucus.

    used in plural form
  71. s1, s2, s3, s4
    first, second, third, fourth heart sounds

    s1, s2- normal sounds

    s3, s4- not normally heard
  72. septicemia
    toxins in blood

    "blood poisoning"
  73. sputum
    material coughed up from lower respiratory tract
  74. sub-arachnoid hemorrhage
    hemorrhage at or between the arachnoid and pia matter of brain
  75. supraventricular cardiac arrhythmia
    irregularity in rhythm of heart

    above ventricles
  76. tachycardia
    fast heart rate
  77. thorax
  78. thrombosis
    formation or presence of thrombus/blood clot
  79. tuberculosis
    infectious disease of lung
  80. ventricles
    lower chambers of heart
  81. versed
    trade name for a drug given intravenously

    before/during surgery to produce sedation/amnesia
  82. Xylocaine
    trade name for lidocaine

    topical anesthetic drug
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Transcription case study 3, vocab