Categories of Diseases
- Hereditary- genetic inperfections that casue the body to behave abnormally
- Degenerative- altimers disease, degenerative arthritis
- Neoplastic- tumors (benign and mlignet)
- Idiopathic- unknown orgin
- Infectious- casued by organism
Koch's Postulates
- causative agents of diseases
- 4 things to be considered a causative agent:
- same pathogen in every case of the disease
- pathogen must be isolated and grown in a pure culture
- pathogen must cause disease in the experimental host
- same pathogen must be isolated from experimental host
Portals of entry and exit
- Entry: Skin, mucous membranes, placenta, parenteral (wound, shot, not a normal body function)
- Exit: Aerosols, Body fluids, excretions (urine and feces)
Stages of disease
- Incubation- infection present, replication, no signs and symptoms, most likley to be transfered
- Prodromal- increase in pathogen numbers, vague change in normal body function (tired, aches)
- Acute- rising increase in number of microbes, severe signs and symptoms, eaisest to transfer
- Decline- natural progression of diease, treatment or natural health, signs and symptoms decline
- Convalescence- may have microbes present, no signs and symptoms
epidemiology statistics- number of new cases, new infected individuals within the population, always a lower number than prevalence
number of cases within a population, usually given #/ 100,000 population
Acute vs. Chronic
- Acute- arise in individual, become strong then go away
- Chronic- always present
Exogenous vs. Endogenous
- Exogenous- come from outside
- Endogenous- self induced, opportunistic disease, caused by our own endogenous set of micro biota but causes disease due to a change in the house
Focal infection
Nosocomial- specifically hospital acquired diseases, any disease as the result of being treated in a facility- hospital, rehab, doctor office acquired Focal infection- where you have a microbe growing in a certain place in the body but the results of the infection are seen systemically ex- dyphtheria- caused by Corymebateium dyptheriae- grown in throat but travels throughout the body by the blood
- Animals- Zoonoses- Schistosoma, tapeworms, rabies, come from animals
- Humans (active and asymptomatic)
- Active- known people that have the disease
- Asymptomatic- some members of the population that do not show typical signs and symptoms of the disease
- Environmental- Soil, Water, Food
Disease patterns
- Endemic- disease that is always present at about the same level within a given population
- Epidemic- unusual increase in the number of cases of a particular disease within a population, population can be defined by demographics, geography
- Pandemic- epidemic diseases that is seen worldwide ex- HIV, SARS
- Sporadic- shows up here and there without satisfying any of the other requirements, usually recurring and small
Factors affecting the spread of diseases
- Active, Convalescent and Asymptomatic carriers
- Incubation period- short- disease is not usually transmitted, long incubation- more likely that the disease will be transmitted from person to person
- Infectious dose- number of microbes that have to be ingested/ absorbed to cause the disease
- Prior exposure: immunity- new or old- individuals and populations, if you have been exposed to it before you will have some degree of immunity
Epidemic Control
- Reduction of source- isolate it and deal with it
- Isolation- people to people- isolation of the infected individuals
- Quarantine- used to be applied to populations, couldn’t leave their houses
- Destruction- destruction of source, related to reduction, not the people, but the animals
- Treatment- drugs, reduce propagation of disease
- Immunization- preventative, most efficient
- CDC (Center for Disease Control)
- WHO (World Health Organization)
- PHS (Public Health Service)