Immunology Intro

  1. What are the primary functions of the immune system, and consequently how can it go wrong?
    • Protect the body from foreign invasion- has the ability to identify self from non-self
    • Clean up debris- isolate and phagocytosis
    • Prepare tissue for healing-inflammation, tissue restoration or scarring
  2. Which antibodies are responsible for recognizing foreign invaders
    T lymphocytes  and B lymphocytes can recognize any foreign antigen to fight infection
  3. What do kinins/bardykinins do?
    • Cause inflammation
    • Wall off pathogens
  4. Organs of immunity: thymus
    T Lymphocytes migrate to the thymus to mature and then are released into circulation
  5. Organs of immunity: spleen
    • Lymph filtration
    • Recycles iron from RBCs
    • White cells for blood borne protection
    • Blood reservoir
  6. What do you need to know about leukocytes
    • Granulocytes (55-60%)
    • Named after granules in the cytoplasm and perform phagocytosis
    • Immature Neutrophils are called “Bands”, requiring 14 days for maturity
  7. What do you need to know about granulocytes?
    • Lymphocytes- Granulocytes with “Natural Killer”
    • abilities- small Lymphocytes are T and B Cells
  8. What type of granulocyte is involved in allergic rxn and parasite invasion?
  9. What is a basophil?
    stimulate inflammatory response- have histamine, bradykinin and heparin granules

    Mast cells are basophils found in the tissues
  10. What's a neutorphil?
    • Granulocyte
    • Chief phagocytes of early inflammation
    • Shoot lysosmal granules dissolve cellular debris to prepare site for wound healing
  11. What are agranulocytes?
    • Most powerful at phagocytosis
    • Do not contain granules, can ingest dead host cells such as blood cells
    • Monocytes and macrophages are agranulocytes
    • Monocyte is immature macrophage
    • --replenish macrophages
    • --respond quickly to inflammation
  12. What do macrophages do?
    • Significantly initiate inflammatory response
    • Larger and more phagocytic than monocytes
Card Set
Immunology Intro
Adult MedSurg 2