ch 11-14

  1. most populous world region
    East Asia
  2. China's most controversial env'tal issue
    Three Gorges Dam
  3. important physical feature of East Asia, 3rd largest river worldwide, from Tibetan highlands to Sichuan Basin
    Yagtze River
  4. nearly 3/4 of China's energy comes from _______
    burning coal
  5. deforested area of China plagued by drought and flood, worst of which are caused by the Yellow River
    North China Plain
  6. location of the most serious air pollution problem in the world
  7. East Asian env'tal problems? 4
    • Floods
    • Deforestation
    • Pollution
    • Animal extinction
  8. mountainous terrain covers about ____ percent of japan
  9. far northeastern region of China, dominated by a broad, fertile lowland basin sandwiched between mountains stretching along China's borders with N Korea, Russia, and Mongolia
    Warm summers, brutal winters
    Uplands have some of the best-preserved forests and wildlife refuges in China
  10. Population density of East Asia is _______
    Region's demographic growth rate has _________ since the 1970s
    • high
    • declined
  11. Japanese cities are located in ________ that also support the country's _______
    • lowlands
    • agriculture
  12. Japan's settlements are restricted to roughly _____ percent of its land area
  13. perhaps the most intensively used part of the world for human habitation, industry, and agriculture, extending through Tokyo along the Inland Sea to the northern coast of Kyushu
    Main industrial belt
  14. China is predominantly _____, with an urbanization rate of _____ %
    rural, 44
  15. 2 agricultural regions of China
    • Rice in the south
    • Wheat/millet in the north/North China Plain
  16. higher population density than Japan's, most people are crowded into the alluvial plains and basins of the west and south, agriculture is dominated by rice
    South Korea
  17. country that relies heavily on corn and other upland crops that do not require irrigation
    North Korea
  18. most densely populated state in East Asia, entire population is concentrated in the narrow lowland belt, obtains much of its food from abroad
  19. Japan, Taiwan, and Korea are between ____ and ____ percent urban
  20. former city style was dominated by low buildings and straight streets, houses were built around courtyards, and narrow alleyways served commercial and residential fxs
  21. main gateway to interior China, most important of the semicolonial cities during the colonial period, decayed during communism, but has experienced a major revival since the late 1980s--now it is a city of massive high rise apts and concentrated industrial developments; 3rd busiest port in the world, fastest train in the world
  22. China's primary political city and capital, radically transformed under communist rule
  23. China's urban system is ________, and the distribution of its cities is best explained through the use of ______ _______ theory
    • balanced
    • central place
  24. In terms of urban patterns, both South Korea and Taiwan are noted for their pronounced _______ _________, while Japan supports a new phenomenon called a _____________, or megalopolis
    • urban primacy
    • superconurbation
  25. Capital city of South Korea, home to more than 10 million, greater metro area contains more than 40 % of the population, all major insts concentrated here, unplanned growth has resulted in serious congestion
  26. capital city of Taiwain, more than 6 million
  27. One of the most unified cultural regions; sharing certain historically rooted ways of life and systems of ideas
    East Asia
  28. most important unifying cultural characteristics of East Asia are related to _______ and ________ beliefs
    religious, philosophical
  29. the clearest distinction between East Asia and the world's other C regions is found in ____________ __________
    written language
  30. philosophical link of East Asia
  31. most basic level of the traditional Confucian moral order; considered the bedrock of society
    family unit
  32. most important unifying cultural beliefs of East Asia are associated with ___________
    Mahayana Buddhism
  33. unifying religion of E Asia, yet experienced periods of reactions against it due to its view that placed India, not China, at the center of the world
  34. religious practice focal to Japanese society, place- and nature-centered religion, considers Mt Fuji sacred, was integrated with Buddhism until the late 1880s, then elevated into a nationalist cult, then its excessive parts were removed
  35. Chinese religion rooted in nature worship, associated with geomancy
  36. area of East Asia that is roughly 30% Christian, sending more missionaries abroad than any country except the US
    South Korea
  37. China has a significant portion of _______ (religion), called Hui, smaller clusters live in almost every province
  38. _________ is one of the most secular regions of the world
    East Asia
  39. most victimized minority group in Japan, outcast group whose ancestors worked in "polluting" industries such as leathercraft, remain among the poorest and least-educated Japanese, concentrated in the Osaka region of western Japan
  40. subject to diaspora and international spread, populations in Kazakstan, China, US, Canada, Australia, and NZ; Soviet deportations have scattered 100s of thousands of them
  41. Most important cultural distinction of China's halves (China proper vs western China)
    Han Chinese vs non-Han
  42. form the vast majority in China, have long been incorporated into the Chinese cultural and political systems and whose languages have been expressed through Chinese writing--but do NOT all speak the same language
  43. Northern, central, and southwestern China speak _________
  44. group of people speaking a southern Chinese language, not considered Han, settled in hilly wastelands, made their living through upland crops, today form one of the poorest communities in southern China
  45. the traditional chinese conception of geopolitics was based on the idea of a _________ __________
    universal empire
  46. east asian countries that sided with the SU during the Cold War
    China, North Korea
  47. East Asian countries that sided with the US during the Cold War
    Japan, Taiwan, and South Korea
  48. overall, East Asia has experienced economic _______ since the 1970s
  49. 2nd largest economy in the world based on PPP
  50. East Asia has experienced ________ social problems in comparison to the rest of the world
  51. living standards in japan are ______ than those of the US
  52. Japan has experienced __________ in its marriage rate and population growth
  53. South Korea, Taiwan, and Hong Kong have experienced economic ______ since the 1960s
  54. China's economic disaster of the 1950s, led by communist party, demanding impossible production of iron from small inefficient workshops; result was a horrific famine that killed 20 million people
    Great Leap Forward
  55. China's economic growth has led to _________ tensions with the US
  56. since market reforms have become more popular in China, the process of regional economic differentiation has ________
  57. areas of China that have seen little economic expansion?
    Most--interior and Northern China
  58. China has experienced __________ in social development
  59. one of the least urbanized regions in the world, with less than 35% of its huge population living in cities
    South Asia
  60. major migration pattern in S Asia
    rural to urban
  61. second poorest world region
    S Asia
  62. second most highly developed economy of S Asia, exports in textiles, rubber, tea; still a very poor country by globar standards
    Sri Lanka
Card Set
ch 11-14
ch 11-14