
  1. The way that a species relates to its environment defmes its
    echological niche
  2. Consumers that feed on producers are called
    herbivores and carnevores
  3. A by-product of photosynthesis that is a major constituent in Earth's atmosphere is
  4. Terrestrial climates on land near the equator tend to be
  5. Near the base of the ___, continental crust gives way to oceanic crust.
    continential slope
  6. Marshes occur in (on) the
    intertidal zone
  7. The upper layer of the ocean, where enough light penetrates the water to permit plants to conduct photosynthsis, is called the and occurs at depths of ____meters in most instances.
    photic zone 100-200 meters
  8. Select the most important nektonic organism listed below
  9. ____ consume sediment and digest organic matter which is mixed with the mineral grains.
    deposit feeders
  10. Water of brackish salinity is common in this environment.
    bays and lagoons
  11. Ocean life that exists above the sea floor is termed ____
    pelagic life
  12. The intertidal zone is most closely associated with the
    barrier island
  13. The lithified, unsorted, heterogeneous material deposited by ancient glaciers is called
  14. Among coarse grained deposits of ancient deserts and arid-basins,the sedimentary structure____is characteristic of sand dunes.
    alluvial fans
  15. Meandering river sediments that accumulate inside of a river bend are said to form a
    point bar
  16. As a delta pro grades, deposits of the will lie directly on top of deposits of the prodelta
    delta plain
  17. The pile of reef debris that has fallen from the steep, wave-swept reef front is called
  18. Knobby, intertidal structures formed by cyanobacteria are called
  19. A graded bed formed by the flow of dense sediment-charged water moving down a slope into deeper water is known as a
  20. Below depths of 4009111, the dominant sediment on the sea floor is
    pelagic sediment or calcareous ooze
  21. _____ occur in lagoons behind elongate reefs.
    patch reefs
  22. A time-stratigraphic unit is the same thing as a
    chronostratigraphic unit
  23. ____includes all strata in the world that were deposited during a particular interval of time called an Era.
    time rock unit
  24. A ____is a polarity time-rock unit.
  25. Among those listed below, is the smallest lithostratigraphic unit
    age stage
  26. A regression might result in a sandy beach deposit (or facies) being deposited over a ___ _
    • deposit (or facies).
    • mudstone
  27. If a mineral crystal originally contained 80 atoms of a common, radioactive isotope of uranium after 3 half-lives, how many atoms of the original isotope would remain in the crystal?
  28. Global changes of sea level are termed
    eustatic change
  29. Castile Evaporites (CaS04) have thin, alternating light and dark sediment layers which are probably seasonal and are therefore equivalent in appearance to
    event stratigraphy
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