ch 23

  1. Oldest independent republic in Africa (1847); established as a settlement for the repatriation of freed U.S. slaves (1822)
  2. British West African colony, purchased in 1787 and established as a homeland for escaped or emancipated slaves
    Sierra Leone
  3. The dispersion of a people from their homeland; the community formed by such a people
  4. East African syncretic language and culture based on Bantu and Arabic trade networks in the Indian Ocean basin
  5. Powerful West African empire (c. 350 – 1054 CE); controlled trans-Saharan salt and gold trade
  6. West African empire based in upper Niger River delta region; dominated sub-Saharan gold trade in early 14th centur
  7. Last of the great West African empires; replaced Mali (1493); controlled trans-Saharan and Niger River gold and slave trades until Moroccans invaded in 1591
  8. Powerful Central African kingdom (14th – 18th centuries); allied with Portugal, converted to Christianity and participated in the Atlantic slave trade
  9. Kongolese ruler (r. 1506 – 1542) who converted to Christianity and tried, unsuccessfully, to save his realm from the depredations of Portuguese slave raiders and merchants
    King Alfonso I
  10. Central African kingdom conquered by Portugal (1660s); renamed Angola, the first European colony in sub-Saharan Africa
  11. ought courageously (1623 – 1663) to save her realm from Portuguese forces, who subdued Ndongo after her death
    Queen Nzinga
  12. Fortified capital city of a powerful kingdom that controlled trade between the Zambezi and Limpopo Rivers and the Swahili coast (14th – late 15th centuries)
    Great Zimbabwe
  13. Dutch trading post established on the South African coast (1652); center of later Dutch and British colonies
    Cape town
  14. Recognized supreme, remote creator god and powerful nature and ancestral spirits that intervene in human affairs
    Indigenous African religons
  15. Center of Islamic scholarship; wealthy commercial capital of the Mali and Songhay empires
  16. Militant Muslims dedicated to eradicating African religions through jihad and establishing “pure” (Koranic) Islamic states in West Africa (c. 1680 – 1903)
  17. Founder of the Antonian movement in Kongo (1704); taught that Jesus was a black African and heaven was for Africans; burned at the stake for challenging Portuguese missionaries
    Dona Beatrice
  18. American root crop cultivated in Africa; important source of flour that contributed significantly to sub-Saharan demographic expansion; a.k.a. cassava
  19. Deported approximately 10 million Africans to the Mediterranean basin, Southwest Asia, and the Indian Ocean basin (8th – 20th centuries)
    Islamic Slave trade
  20. Atlantic slave trade begins; twelve Africans shipped to Portugal
  21. East-west leg of triangular trade in Atlantic basin; African slaves brutally shipped from West and Central Africa to Brazil, Caribbean islands, and North America
    Middle passage
  22. Peak of Atlantic slave trade; 88,000 Africans shipped to western hemisphere each year
  23. Syncretic belief systems based on Christianity, created by slave societies in the western hemisphere: Vodou (Haiti), Santeria (Cuba), and Candomble (Brazil)
    African American Religons
  24. Saudi Arabia and Angola abolish slavery
  25. Former slave who published his autobiography (1789) and worked tirelessly to abolish slavery in the British empire and the U.S.
    Olaudah Equiano
Card Set
ch 23
History ch 23