1. Sodium ECF concentration?
    135-145 mmol/L
  2. Calcium ECF concentration?
    2-2.5 mmol/L
  3. Glucose ECF concentration?
    • Fasting 3.5-6 mmol/L
    • Non fasting 3.5-8 mmol/L
  4. Potassium ECF concentration?
    3.5-5 mmol/L
  5. ECF acidity?
  6. Core body temperature?
    About 37C (36-38C)
  7. Sodium ECF function? (3)
    • Main extracellular cation
    • Determines ECF volume and therefore influences blood pressure
    • Action potential generation - nerve/muscle
  8. Calcium ECF function? (4)
    • Structural component - bone and teeth
    • Neurotransmission and muscle contraction
    • Coagulation
    • Regulates enzyme function
  9. Glucose function? (1)
    Used by cells - produce adenosine triphosphate (ATP)
  10. Potassium ECF function? (2)
    • Most abundant ICF cation
    • Determinant resting membrane potential
  11. Low core body temperature issues? (2)
    • Chemical reactions slow down preventing cell function
    • Complete loss of temperature regulation
  12. High core body temperature issues? (2)
    • Denaturing of enzymes
    • Temperature regulation impairment
  13. Passive membrane transport systems? (3)
    • Simple diffusion
    • Simple diffusion via membrane channels
    • Carrier mediated passive transport
  14. Osmolarity of ECF/ICF?
    275-300 mosmol/L
  15. Define osmolarity.
    Measure of total number solute particles per litre of solution in osmol/L
  16. Define tonicity and how it is influenced.
    • Effect a specific solution has on cell volume.
    • Influenced by type of solution - specifically whether solute particles can cross cell membrane 
  17. Describe effect of Isotonic solution.
    No change in cell volume
  18. Describe effect of Hypotonic solution.
    Increase in cell volume - cells will swell
  19. Describe effect of Hypertonic solution.
    Loss of cell volume - cells will shrink
  20. Define Homeostasis.
    The maintenance of relatively constant conditions in the internal environment if the face of external or internal change. 
  21. Describe the sodium-potassium pump and its function.
    • An active cell membrane transport system that moves 3 sodium ions out of the cell in exchange of 2 potassium ions.
    • Maintains ionic gradients and helps regulate cell volume.
  22. Define osmolality.
    Amount of solute particles per kg of water in osmol/kg.
  23. Describe hyperosmotic solution.
    Higher solute concentration than cell
  24. Describe hypoosmotic solution.
    Lower solute concentration than cell
  25. Describe isoosmotic solution.
    Same solute concentration as cell
  26. What is the body water % for males and females by weight?
    • Male - 60%
    • Female - 55%
  27. What % of total body water does ECF contribute?
  28. What % of total body water does ICF contribute?
  29. What % of ECF does blood plasma contribute?
  30. What % of ECF does interstitial fluid contribute?
Card Set
Generall homeostasis, ECF variables, cell membrane transport systems