pharma II test II BPD

  1. 3 catergories of BPD
    • bipolar I
    •    manic and mixed episodes
    •    usually depressive episodes
    • bipolar II
    •    hypomanic or depressive episodes
    •    not mainic or mixed episodes
    • rapid-cycling bipolar episodes
    •    4 or more episodes of any sort each year
    •    difficult to treat
  2. biggest problem with treating BPD
    • compliance
    •    short term hospitalization
    •    long-term prophylactic therapy
    •    education for patient and family
  3. "mood stabilizers" for BPD
    • lithium
    • valproate
    • lamotrigine
    • atypicals
  4. 2 main MOA of lithium
    • 1. inhibit 2nd messengers; IP3 & DAG
    • 2. alter ion distrib, sub for NA
  5. target plasma levels of lithium
    0.6-1.4 mEq/L
  6. 6 antipsychotics approved for BPD
    • ziprasidone
    • aripiprazole
    • quetiapine
    • risperdone
    • olanzapine
    • olanzapine/fluoxetine
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pharma II test II BPD
pharma II test II BPD