
  1. Dorsal
    direction term that means toward the back
  2. Ventral
    direction term that means towards the anterior or front
  3. Perfuse
    to pump; in the animal, the bodys ability to pump blood
  4. Nares
  5. Keel
    breastbone of the bird
  6. Intervertebral Disc Disease
    deteriorated cushions between the vertebrea
  7. Choana
    slit like opening on the rood of the mouth in a bird
  8. Alopecia
    hair loss
  9. Signalment
    description of animal, breed, gender, age, reproductive status
  10. Integumentary system
    skin, attatched structures; hair,skin,scales,nails
  11. Pulmonary Adema
    fluid accumulation in the lungs
  12. Tympanic Membrane
    ear drum
  13. Palpation
    examination by touch
  14. Auscultation
    listening to sounds produced within the body
  15. Erythroderma
    redness of the skin
  16. Papules
  17. Condones
    black heads
  18. Caudal
    towards the tail
  19. Cranial
    towards the head
  20. Inguinal
    between the rear legs
  21. Turgor Pressure
    • Dehydration test/ skin test
    • normal elasticity of skin
  22. Rales
    crackling or rattling sounds during inhalation
  23. The three (3) zones on the Left side of the thorax
    • PAM
    • Pulmonary
    • Aortic
    • Mitral
  24. Right side valve of thorax
  25. Medial
  26. Peristalsis
    abdominal gut sounds
  27. Palpebral Reflex
    • *BLINKING*
    • touching the medial corner of the eye to elicit a blink
  28. Menace relfex
    • the act of moving your palm rapidly towards the animals eye
  29. Proprioception or Righting reflex
    the act of turning a paw/hoof to a flexed position and placing it down on the ground or table

    • Normal = return to normal ASAP
    • Abnormal = stays in position
  30. Lymphnode Locations
    • Submandibular = caudal to mandible (palpable)
    • Prescapular = just cranial/dorsal to shoulder (palpable)
    • Axillary = armpit region (not palpable)
    • Inguinal = between rear legs (not palpable)
    • Popliteal = behind stifle (palpable)
  31. Conjunctiva
    the membrane that covers the eyeball as well as the inside of eyelids
  32. Sclera
    white of the eye
  33. Cornea
    the transparent layer that covers the very front of the eye
  34. S.O.A.P
    • Subjective = reason for visit
    • Objective = vital signs; temp, pulse, wt, resp
    • Assessment = diagnosis
    • Plan/Procedure = Tx plan
  35. Acrylic Rodent Rstrainer
    a clear plastic tube used for venipuncture on rats and mice, usually has holes drilled into it
  36. Bull staff
    long handled metal rod with a large hood at one end that clips to the nose ring
  37. Casting rope
    a rope used to place an enclosed animal on its side
  38. Catching Hook
    • *catching turkeys and chickens*
    • a hook, usually about 5 inches long, attatched to a long handled pole
  39. Catching net
    • *catching turkeys and chickens*
    • a net usually attatched to a long handled pole
  40. Cattle chute
    Examination area large enough to hold one animal, often with poles for cross-tying and and an opening to hold the head
  41. Twitch
    • *horse restraint*
    • rope or chain attatched to a long wooden handle. designed to go around the upper lips for procedure restraint
  42. Rubber forceps
    used to group small rodents and allows them to be transported from cage to cage
  43. Head snare
    rabies pole
  44. Hobble
    • *prevents kicking*
    • leather straps fastened above the hocks, to restrict movement
  45. Hurdle
    flat, shieldlike piece of plywood or plastic three feet square used to didrect pigs into an enclosure
  46. nose lead
    large metal tongs with large ball-shaped ends, designed for cattle to hold their heads in place
  47. Snubbing rope
    slip lead designed to go around the pigs snout
  48. Stanchion
    the opening of the cattle chute where the head goes through
  49. Stocks
    narrow enclosure that partially immobilizes the horse. made of metal bars or wooden planks
  50. V-Trough
    used to restrain small pigs on their backs
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glossary in veterinary technology