bio 101

  1. systematics
    is a discipline of biology that focuses on classifying organisms and determining their evolutionary relationships this includes taxonomy!
  2. taxonomy
    which is the identification, naming, and classification of species
  3. classification hierarchy
    domain> kingdom> phylum> class> order> family> genus> species
  4. species concepts
    • one way of defining speacies  it defines a speaies as a group of populations whose members have the potential to interbreed with on another and produce fertile offspring
    • in nameing of speacies use two names called binomiel the first part is the genus wich the speacies belongs to the secound is what is uniquek for that speacies and is in latin
  5. binomial nomenclature
    the use of two latin words to name something rather than useing polynomial nomenclature
  6. domains of life
    there are three domains bacteria, archaea eukarya
  7. cell types (prokaryote vs eukaryote)
    • procariote are bacteria and archeria  they have no nuclous but they do have a nucleoid which is not contained by any wall they typicaly have flagellum or pili which help them to move around they have a cell wall and a plasma membrane there ribosomes are floting aound there whole cell and they are smaler than the eucariote cell
    • eucariote are animal plants protosits and fungi cells they are more complx and bigger they have a cell wall and a nuclous and other organelles
  8. kingdoms
    the number of kingdoms in the eucaria doamin is still under debate but all sientests agree on plantae, fungi and animilia. even though protists do not fit into any of the catergories this catergorie is in debate
  9. Anabolism vs catabolism
    • anabolism this is a sythisis reaction that we are dehydrateing things to make them bigger this makes enderogonic substances
    • catabolism invalves braking down of a bigger substance into a smaller substance
  10. exergonic vs endergonic
    • enderganic is produced from anabolisum 
    • exergonic energy weak by-products
Card Set
bio 101
bio 101