cultures and gender 2

  1. Xenophobic response
    bosses’ and collegues’ fear and rejection of things foreign
  2. Expatriate
    people who are known and trusted at headquarters and sent abroad
  3. Inpatriates
    managers brought in by multinationals from local cultures from around the world into the home country on assignments designed to help them learn about the headquarter’s organizational culture and approach to doing business
  4. Transpatriates
    prime goal is organizational development: the act as the “glue” that hold the globally distributed firm together. To fulfill their role effectively, the company must stay in close contact with them and actively learn as much as possible from them, both while they work abroad and after they have either returned home or moved on to a new global assignment
  5. Trailing spouse
    when a person takes his or her spouse with him or her on an assignment abroad
  6. Home country
    refers to your country of citizenship
  7. Transition
    strategies returnees use to fit back into their formerly familiar home country and home organization, some become resocialized, some become alienated and others become proactive
  8. Cultural contingency
    a leaders belief that they must adapt their style to the cultures of of employees and clients
  9. Self-awareness
    “the ability to recognize and understand your moods, emothions and drives as well as their effects on” other people
  10. Self-regulation
    “the ability to control or redirect disruptive impulses and moods” along with “ the propensity to suspend judgement-to think before acting.”
  11. Expectancy theories
    claim that people are driven by the expectation that their acts will produce certain results
  12. Cultural intelligence
    refers to a persons “capability to adapt effectively to new cultural context.” Three aspects:

    Cognitive: include thinking, learning and stratergizing: explain how we learn and think

    Motivational: include effectiveness, confidence, persistence, value congruence, and the level of affinity or attraction toward a new culture. Explain how strongly we hold our particular cultural values and norms toward a new culture when encountering it for the first time.

    Behavioral:include a person’s range of possible actions and responses that can be used inintercultural encounters, as well as the ability to acquire new behaviors when needed
  13. Problem recognition
    deciding when a problem is a problem. Some cultures emphasize solving problems while others accept situations as they are
  14. Implementation
    depending on culture can be quick or slow, innovative or disruptive, managed from the top or involve participation from all levels within the organization, and managed by an individual or a group. If decisions are to have any value, they must be implemented
  15. Dirty tricks
    tactics designed to pressure opponents into undesirable concessions and agreements
  16. Culture shock
    the expatriate’s reaction to a new, unpredictable and therefore uncertain environment. Results from a breakdown in an expatirates selective perception and effective interpretation system.
  17. Dual career couples
    couples in which both partners have significant careers outside the home. Most decide for themselves the conditions under which they would be willing to accept a global assignment.
  18. Global career
    traveling extensively for your job
  19. Negotiation strategy
    principled approach includes 4 steps:

    Separating the ppl from the problem

    Focusing on interests, not on positions

    Insisting on objective criteria and never yielding to pressure

    Inventing options for mutual gain
  20. Stages of negotiating
      • Planning: time, exploring options, establishing common ground, focusing on the long term, using issue vs sequence planning and setting limits

      • Interpersonal relationship building: getting to know the other people and helping them to feel comfortable.

      • Exchanging task-related information: the substance of a negotiations is interest: your and theirs.

      • Persuading

      • Making concessions and reading agreements

  21. Ethical decision making
    global leaders must define their own moral imperatives. Our moral vision guides our personal and organizational behavior, it frames the goals we set, the trade-offs we are willing to consider, and the decisions we make
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cultures and gender 2
final review