Sexual and Gender Identity Disorders

  1. What are the two Sexual Desire Disorders?
    • Hyperoactive Sexual Desire Disorder: is characterized by a deficiency in or absence of desire for sexual involvement that creates significant distress or difficulty in a relationship and is not rooted in a medical condition or substance.
    • Sexual Aversion Disorder: is characterized by marked aversion for most or all gential sexual involvement with a partner accompanied by avoidance of genital activity which results in significant distress or interpersonal conflict.
  2. What are two Sexual Arousal Disorders?
    • Female Sexual Arousal Disorder: is characterized by inability to achieve or maintain the lubrication-swelling response until sexual activity is completed. Reoccurrence or persistence of such results in signinificant distress or in interpersonal conflict.
    • Male Erectile Disorder: is characterized by recurring or persistent inability to achieve erection or to maintain erection until sexual activity is completed and results in significant distress or in interpersonal conflict.
  3. What are two Orgasmic Disorders?
    • Female/Male Orgasmic Disorder: is characterized by recurrent or persistent problems reaching orgasm (either delayed or absence of orgasm) with adequate sexual stimulation. As a result there is significant distress or in interpersonal conflict.
    • Premature Ejaculation: refers to ejaculation that persistently occurs soon after intercourse is initiated and before the individual wishes for it to occur. This is the most common form of sexual dysfunction in young men.
  4. What are two Sexual Pain Disorders?
    • Vaginismus: Is characterized by involuntary spasms of the outer third of the vagina that recur or persist, disrupt sexual intercourse and result in significant distress or interpersonal conflict.
    • Dyspareunia: Is characterized by genital pain during sexual intercourse that is recurring or persistent and may apply to makes and females. The condition is not the result of Vaginismus, or inadequate or absence of lubrication, a medical condition, or a substance
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Sexual and Gender Identity Disorders
Sexual and Gender Identity Disorders