Muscle Action and Innervation

  1. Trapezius
    • elevate, dpress, retract scapula
    • Spinal accessory (C3,C4)
  2. Latissimus dorsi
    • extend, adduct, medially rotate arm
    • Thoracodorsal (C6,C7,C8)
  3. Levator scapulae
    • elevation of scapula
    • Dorsal scapular (C5)
  4. Rhomboids
    • retraction of scapula
    • Dorsal scapular (C5)
  5. Iliocostalis
    • unilateral: ipsilateral sidebend & bilateral: extension
    • posterior primary rami of spinal nn.
  6. Longissimus
    • unilateral: ipsilateral sidebend & bilateral: extension
    • posterior primary rami of spinal nn.
  7. Spinalis
    • unilateral: ipsilateral sidebend & bilateral: extension
    • posterior primary rami of spinal nn.
  8. Semispinalis capitis
    • unilateral: contralateral rotation & bilateral: extension
    • posterior primary rami of spinal nn.
  9. Semispinalis cervicis
    • unilateral: contralateral rotation & bilateral: extension
    • posterior primary rami of spinal nn.
  10. Multifides
    • local stabilization of vertebrae
    • posterior primary rami of spinal nn.
  11. Rotators
    • proprioceptive
    • posterior primary rami of spinal nn.
  12. Splenius capitis
    • unilateral: laterally flex, ipsilateral rotation & bilateral: extension/look-up
    • posterior primary rami of spinal nn.
  13. Splenius cervicis
    • unilateral: laterally flex, ipsilateral rotation & bilateral: extension/look-up
    • posterior primary rami of spinal nn.
  14. Gluteus maximus
    • extension of thigh @ hip, lateral rotation of thigh
    • inferior gluteal n (L5,S1,S2)
  15. Gluteus medius
    • abduction of thigh @ hip, medial rotation of thigh
    • superior gluteal n (L5,S1)
  16. Gluteus minimus
    • abduction of thigh @ hip, medial rotation of thigh
    • superior gluteal n (L5,S1)
  17. Piriformis
    • abduction of thigh @ hip (in flexion), lateral rotation of thigh (in extension)
    • ventral rami (S1, S2)
  18. Obturator internus
    • lateral rotation of thigh, abduction of thigh when hip flexed
    • nerve to obturator internus (L5, S1)
  19. Gemelli twins
    • lateral rotation of femur
    • S: obturator n I:quadratus femoris
  20. Quadratus femoris
    • lateral rotation of femur
    • nerve to quadratus femoris (L5,S1)
  21. Rectus femoris
    • extension of knee, flex thigh @ hip
    • femoral n (L2,L3,L4)
  22. Vastus lateralis
    • extension of knee
    • femoral n (L2,L3,L4)
  23. Vastus medialis
    • extension of knee
    • femoral n (L2,L3,L4)
  24. Vastus intermedius
    • extension of knee
    • femoral n (L2,L3,L4)
  25. Sartorius
    • hip flexion, lateral rotation, abduction
    • femoral n (L2,L3)
  26. Tensor fascia lata
    • abduct & flex hip
    • superior gluteal n (L4,L5)
  27. Psoas major
    • hip flexion, lateral rotation
    • ventral rami (L1-L3)
  28. Pectineus
    • adduction, flexion of hip
    • femoral n (L2, L3,L4) (obturator)
  29. Obturator externus
    • adduction, lateral rotation of femur
    • obturator n (L3,L4)
  30. Adductor longus
    • adduction, flexion & lateral rotation of thigh
    • obturator n (L2,L3,L4)
  31. Adductor brevis
    • adduction & lateral rotation of thigh
    • obturator n (L2,L3,L4)
  32. Adductor magnus
    • adduction & lateral rotation of thigh, extend thigh @ hip
    • obturator n (L2,L3,L4) tibial n (L4)
  33. Gracilis
    • adduction, flexion of knee
    • obturator n (L2,L3)
  34. Semitendinosus
    • extension @ hip, flexion @ knee, medial rotation of leg
    • tibial portion of sciatic n (L5,S1,S2)
  35. Semimembranous
    • extension @ hip, flexion @ knee, medial rotation of leg
    • tibial portion of sciatic n (L5,S1,S2)
  36. Biceps femoris long head
    • extension @ hip, flexion @ knee & lateral rotation of leg (w/short head)
    • tibial portion of sciatic n (L5,S1,S2)
  37. Biceps femoris short head
    • flexion @ knee & lateral rotation of leg (w/long head)
    • c. peroneal of sciatic n (L5,S1,S2)
  38. Tibialis Anterior
    • dorsiflex, toe extend, inversion
    • deep (fibular) peroneal n (L4-S1)
  39. Extensor digitorium longus
    • dorsiflex, extend lateral 4 toes, eversion
    • deep peroneal n (L5-S1)
  40. Extensor hallucis longus
    • dorsiflex, extend great toe, inversion
    • deep peroneal n (L5-S1)
  41. Peroneus longus
    • eversion and plantar flexion
    • superficial peroneal n (L5-S1)
  42. Peroneus brevis
    • eversion and plantar flexion
    • superficial peroneal n (L5-S1)
  43. Gastrocnemis
    • plantarflex foot, flex @ knee
    • tibial n (S1,S2)
  44. Plantaris
    • plantarflex foot, flex @ knee
    • tibial n (S1,S2)
  45. Soleus
    • plantarflex foot
    • tibial n (S1,S2)
  46. Popliteus
    • flexion @ knee, medial rotation of leg
    • tibial n (L4, L5, S1)
  47. Flexor digitorium longus
    • plantarflex & invert foot, flex lateral 4 toes
    • tibial n (S2,S3)
  48. Flexor hallucis longus
    • plantarflex & invert foot, flex great toe
    • tibial n (S2,S3)
  49. Tibialis posterior
    • plantarflex & invert foot
    • tibial n (L4,L5)
  50. Abductor hallucis
    • abduct and flex great toe
    • medial plantar n (S2,S3)
Card Set
Muscle Action and Innervation
Muscle action and innervation