a computerized equivalent of a ledger, containing rows and columns of data.
a computerized application designed to build and manipulatespreadsheets.
Spreadsheet program:
a spreadsheet element that may contain formulas, functions, values, text,and graphics.
a file containing related worksheets.
the cell you are working in, the cell where information or data will be input.
Active cell:
used to enter or edit cell contents.
Formula bar:
indicates the location or name for the active cell
Name box:
tell the user what sheets of a workbook are available.
Sheet tabs:
clicked to select all elements of the worksheet.
Select all button:
the intersection of a column and row.
designated by a column letter and a row number.
Cell reference:
includes, letters, numbers, symbols and spaces.
a number that represent a quantity, an amount, a date or time.
a combination of numbers, cell references, operators, and / or functions.
controls the sequence in which arithmetic operations are performed, which affects the result.
Order of precedence:
is a rectangular group of cells
enables you to copy the content of a cell or a range of cells by dragging the fill handle over an adjacent cell or range of cells.
small Black Square appearing in the bottom right corner of a cell.
Fill handle:
option centers an entry across a range of selected cells.
Merge and center cells:
automatically adjusts the height and width of cells.
adds documentation to a cell.