Leifer Test 3

  1. A full term newborn weighs 3600 grams at birth. When he is weighed 3 days later, the nurse would expect him to weigh:
    3300 grams
  2. The nurse would teach a woman with pregnancy induced hypertension to immediately report wich of the following signs and symptoms?
    Blurred vision
  3. Which drug would the nurse plan to have available for immediate IV administration whenever magnesium sulfate is administered to a maternity patient:
    calcium gluconate
  4. The mother of a postterm infant asks the nurse why the baby is being watched so closely. The nurse understands that postterm infants are at risk because:
    The placenta does not function adequately as it ages.
  5. The nurse who understands the gate control theory of pain would advise a woman in labor and her partner to use which nonpharmacological method of pain management?
  6. The nurse is going to use a bulb syringe to clear mucus from a newborn's nose and mouth. The nurse's first action is to:
    Depress the bulb before inserting the syringe tip into the mouth.
  7. A patient has excessive vaginal bleeding following delivery. The nurse should suspect a cervical tear if examination of the patient reveals:
    A hard, contracted uterus
  8. Which of the following assessments made by the practical nurse after an amniotomy should be reported immediately?
    Amniotic fluid is water and pale green
  9. At 1 and 5 minutes of life, a newborn's Apgar score is 9. The nurse understands that a score of 9 indicates this newborn:
    Is in stable condition
  10. Phototherapy is instituted for an infant with jaundice. An appropriate nursing action for the infant for jaundice is to:
    Keep the infant's eyes covered.
  11. On day 13 of a 28 day cycle, a woman's basal body temperature is 97.7 degrees F. If she ovulates on day 14, you would expect her temperature measurement on day 14 to be:
    98.1 degrees F
  12. The nurse caring for an infant with hydrocephalus would expect to find:
    Increased head circumference
  13. A woman who is 9 weeks pregnant is experiencing heavy bleeding and cramping. She reports passing some tissue. Cervical dilation is noted on examination. This woman most likely had:
    An incomplete abortion
  14. The preterm infant is at risk for respiratory distress syndrome because of a deficiency of:
  15. Five days after a spontaneous vaginal delivery, a woman comes to the emergency room because she has a fever and persistant cramping. The nurse recognizes that the cause of these signs and symptoms may be:
  16. The relationship of a key point on the presenting part to the pelvic quadrants of the mother's pelvis is known as:
  17. A woman seeking prenatal care relates a history of macrosomic infants, two stillbirths and polyhydramnios with each pregnancy. These factors are highly suggestive of:
    Diabetes mellitus
  18. When a pregnant woman arrives at the LDRP suite, she tells the nurse that she wants to have an epidural for delivery. Which of the following factors would be a contraindication to an epidural block?
    The woman has a low platelet count.
  19. Following delivery, the nurse's assessment reveals a soft, boggy uterus located above the level of the umbilicus. The appropriate intervention is to:
    Massage the fundus
  20. Which of the following contraction durations and intervals could result in fetal compromise?
    Duration longer than 90 seconds, interval shorter than 60 seconds
  21. How should the nurse instruct a new mother to care fo the baby's umbilical cord?
    Clean the stump with alcohol at every diaper change.
  22. The nurse would suspect abruptio placentae when the pregnant woman experiences:
    vaginal bleeding and back pain
  23. The apena monitor indicates that a preterm infant is having an apneic episode. The appropriate nursing action in this situation is to:
    Gently rub the infant's feet or back
  24. When a woman is admitted to the labor and delivery unit, she tells the nurse that she is anxious about delivery. The nurse is aware that anxiety can affect labor by:
    Reducing blood flow to the uterus
  25. A primigravida in her first trimester is Rh negative. To prevent anti-Rh antibodies from forming, this woman would receive which treatment?
    Rh immune globulin at 28 weeks and within 72 hours after the birth of an Rh-positive infant.
  26. After a prolonged labor, a woman vaginally delivered a 10 pounds, 3 ounce baby boy. In the immediate postpartum period, the nurse would be alert for the development of which complication?
  27. A woman in the transition phase of labor requests medication for pain relief. The nurse is aware that:
    Analgesics given at this stage may result in respiratory depression to the newborn
  28. A woman who is 33 weeks pregnant is admitted to the obstetrical unit because her membranes ruptured spontaneously. She must be closely observed for signs of:
  29. A new mother has decided not to breastfeed her newborn. The nurse planning to teach the mother about formula feeding would include which information?
    Position the bottle so that the nipple is full of formula during the entire feeding.
  30. The hormone responsible for milk production is:
  31. When a woman starts hormone replacement therapy, the nurse would instruct her to look for the side effects of:
    Irregular bleeding
  32. The nurse is caring for a newborn who is breastfed. The nurse would expect the stool color to be:
  33. Postoperative nursing care of the infant following surgical repair of a cleft lip would include:
    Applying elbow restraints to protect the surgical area.
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Leifer Test 3
Test Preparation