CNS: meningitis, brain injury, & spinal cord injury

  1. Which type on meningitis can typically be managed at home?  Which type is extremely serious & needs to be treated quickly?
    • Viral - less serious
    • Bacterial - extremely serious
  2. Explain the skin lesions associated with meningococcal meningitis.
    Small macular rash occurring on the abdomen that quickly progresses to large purpura and extremities turn black.
  3. Rapid onset of symptoms associated with meningitis?
    • Severe headache
    • photophobia
    • indications of increased ICP
    • Nuchal rigidity
    • Positive Kernig's (severe stiffness of hamstring) & Brudinski's sign (hips & knees flex when neck is passively flexed)
    • Decreased mental status
    • focal neurological deficits
    • N&V
  4. Best lab for diagnosis of meningitis?
    • CSF analysis
    • also: CT
    • blood cultures - expect WBC to be elevated
    • blood glucose
  5. Drug therapy for meningitis?
    • Broad spectrum antibiotic - ASAP
    •        * Abx IM if IV access cant be established      
    •           quickly
    • hyperosmolar agents - to prevent shock
    • anticonvulsants
    • steroids (controversial)
    • Prophylaxis treatment for those in clost contact with infected pt
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CNS: meningitis, brain injury, & spinal cord injury
CNS: meningitis, brain injury, & spinal cord injury