Plant Organs: Stems

  1. Function of stems
    • Support for leaves
    • Some carry on photosynthesis
    • May be specialized for storage
    • Transport of materials between leaves and roots
  2. Stems structure
    • Usually upright and aerial
    • May be herbaceous or woody
  3. Herbaceous Dicot Stems Order
    • Epidermis
    • Cuticle
    • Cortex
    • Collenchyma and parenchyma (?chlorenchyma)
    • Vascular Bundles
    • Arranged in circular array with phloem toward periphery and xylem inside
    • Patch of Phloem Fibers generally present on bundles
    • Pith
    • Parenchyma
  4. Monocot Stems I Characteristics
    • Herbaceous
    • Epidermis with cuticle
    • Cortex containing collenchyma and parenchyma cells
    • Vascular bundles scattered throughout cortex
    • No clear distinction between cortex and pith
    • Generally no secondary growth
  5. Woody Dicot Stems
    • Periderm
    • Cork + Cork cambium
    • Cortex (???) --- Collenchyma and parenchyma
    • Primary Phloem
    • Secondary Phloem
    • Vascular cambium
    • Secondary Xylem
    • Primary Xylem
    • Pith
    • Secondary growth gives rise to cylinders of vascular tissue.
  6. Function of stems
    • Holds up leaves and flowers
    •      Provides pathway for transport 
  7. Types of stems
    • herbaceous 
    • woody
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Plant Organs: Stems
Plant Organs