DI chapter one

  1. Targets for Medication Information
    1, ›Patient-specific

    2. ›Related to a group of patients

    • ›-Development
    • of therapeutic guidelines
    • ›-Coordination
    • for an adverse event reporting program
    • ›-Publication
    • of an electronic newletter
    • -Updating a website
  2. Medication Information Services
    1. ›Supporting clinical services with medication information

    ›2. Answering questions regarding medications

    • ›3. Coordinating pharmacy and therapeutics
    • committee activity

    ›4. Developing medication use policies

    5. Publishing or editing information on appropriate medication use

    ›6. Managing investigational medication use

    7. ›Providing poison information

    ›8. Coordinating formulary management initiatives

    ›9.Developing criteria/guidelines for medication use

    ›10. Analyzing the clinical and economic impact of drug policy decisions

    ›11. Managing medication usage evaluation

    ›12. Providing education for health professionals, students and consumers

    ›13. Coordinating of adverse drug event reporting and analysis programs
  3. Medication Information Skills
    ›1. Assess available information and gather situational data

    • ›  - Formulate appropriate questions 
    •   - Use a systematic approach to find needed
    • information

    2. ›Evaluate information critically for validity and applicability

    3. ›Develop,organize, and summarize response

    4. ›Communicate clearly

    5. ›Anticipate other information needs
  4. Opportunities for drug information
    1.1. Drug information centers

    2.2. Medical informatics

    3.3. Health maintenance organization

    4.4. Pharmacy benefit management organizations

    5.5. Managed care organizations

    6.6. Scientific writing and medication communications

    7.7. Poison control

    8.8. Pharmaceutical industry

    9.9. Academia
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DI chapter one