nervous system part 2

  1. how long is the spinal cord, and where does it go?
    18 inches, from the occipital bone to second lumbar vertebrae
  2. what is the spinal cord protected by?
    vertebrae, meninges, and CSF
  3. what is the pathway for sensory impulses traveling to brain and motor impulses traveling away from the brain?
    spinal cord
  4. what is the completely pathway. it goes from the nervous system from a stimuli to a response?
    reflect arc
  5. where does the sensory impulse enter the spinal cord at? it is composed of gray matter?
    dorsal horn
  6. sensory impulse travels upwards towards the brain on what neurons?
    afferent neurons in ascending tracts
  7. motor impulse travels downard away from brain on what neurons?
    efferent neurons in descending tracts
  8. where does the motor impulse leave the spinal cord, it is composed of gray matter?
    ventral horn
  9. what is a rapid, simple automatic response that involves only a few neurons?
    simple relfex
  10. what kind of reflex passes through the spinal cord only?
    spinal reflex (knee-jerk reflex)
  11. spinal nerves attach to spinal cord by what two roots?
    ventral root (motor)

    dorsal root (sensory)
  12. where do the spinal nerves leave the spinal cord?
    • through an opening in vertebrae
    • * interverbral forman
  13. spinal nerves branch from spinal cord in anterior and posterior what?
  14. what plexus supplies motor impulses to neck muscle and receive sensory impulses from neck and back of head?
  15. what plexus includes the phrenic nerve?
    cervical plexus
  16. what plexus supplies the nerve to shoulder, arm, forearm, wrist, hand?
  17. what plexus includes the radial nerve?
    brachial plexus
  18. what plexus is nerve supply to legs & pelvis?
    lumbosacral plexus
  19. what plexus includes the sciatic nerve?
    lumbosacral plexus
  20. what are the sensory neurons all over the body on skin (except face/scalp) and sens info through spinal cord to cNS on spinal nerves?
  21. what is used to help identify which spinal nerve is involved in an injury (ex. herpes, sciatica)?
  22. what is protected under 3 layers of membranes (meninges, CSF, bone)?
  23. what four parts of the brain function together?
    • cerebrum
    • diecephalon
    • cerebellum
    • brain stem
  24. what is the name for three layers of connective tissue that cover the brain and spinal cord?
  25. what meninges is the outermost layer attached to the skull?
    dura matter
  26. what meninges is the middle layer which is between the dura matter and pia matter?
  27. what meninges is the innermost layer, attached to brain and spinal corr, supplies blood, nutrients, and oxygen?
    pia matter
  28. what is the clear liquid that circulates in and around the brain and spinal cord, it acts as a shock absorber?
    cerebral spinal fluid (CSF)
  29. what is four hollow cavities deep within the brain?
  30. what is the canal that the 3rd and 4th ventricle connect?
    cerebral aqueduct
  31. 2 ventricles in each hemisphere
    2 lateral
  32. what ventricle is continuous with the central canal and spinal cord?
    fourth ventricle
  33. what ventricle contains openings that allow the cfs to flow to areas around brain and spinal cord?
    fourth ventricle
  34. what is the name for pia matter lining each ventricle that provides vascular networking?
    choroid plexus
  35. what produces by CSF and filters blood and release any additional secretions?
    choroid plexus
  36. what is the largest, uppermost part of the brain?
  37. what cortex is the outer layer of gray matter is the cerebrum?
    cerebral cortex
  38. what part of the cerebral cortex is made up of white matter than connects with other parts of the brain?
    inner area
  39. what part of the brain is responsible for voluntary movement, conscious thought, memory, reason, and abstract thinking?
  40. the cerebrum is divided intro right/left hemispheres by what groove?
    the longitudinal fissure
  41. hemispheres are connected by white matter called?
    corpus callosum
  42. what white matter allows impulses to pass from one side of the brain to another?
    corpus callosum
  43. what is the word for elevations on the surface of the cerebral cortex?
    gyri *gyrus*
  44. what is the name for grooves between the gyri that are on the surface of the cerebral cortex?
    sulci *sulcus*
  45. the sulcus has two sulci what are they?
    central, and lateral
  46. what sulcus is between the frontal and parietal lobes that is positions at right angle to longitudinal fissure?
    central sulcus
  47. what sulcus curves alongside of each hemisphere separating temporal lobes from frontal and parietal lobes?
    lateral sulcus
  48. what is the four names of the visible lobes?
    • frontal
    • parietal
    • temporal
    • occipital
  49. what hemisphere is anterior to central sulcus and superior to lateral sulcus?
  50. what area in the frontal lobe provides conscious control of voluntary skeletal muscle?
    primary motor area
  51. what part of the frontal lobe is used for spoke/written communication?
    motor speech area (broca's area)
  52. if thisĀ  lobe is damages it can cause motor aphasia?
  53. what lobe is posterior to central sulcus, and superior to lateral sulcus?
  54. what lobe has an area that receives/interprets nerve impulses coming from sensory receptors?
  55. what lobe has the ability to estimate distance, size, and shape?
  56. what lobe is inferior to lateral sulcus, and is the folding under hemisphere on each side?
  57. what lobe participates in receiving/interpreting impulse from the ear?
  58. what is the name of the area which provides conscious control over voluntary skeletal muscle?
    primary central area
  59. what area is used for spoken/written communication?
    motor speech area
  60. what are receives/interprets nerve impulses coming from sensory receptors?
    primary sensory area
  61. what area detects sounds from the environment, its in the temporal lobe?
    auditory receiving area
  62. what area interprets sound, its in the temporal lobe?
    auditory association area
  63. what area functions in speech comprehension, it is in the temporal lobe?
    • speech comprehension area
    • (wernicke area)
  64. what area interprets smell from receptors in nose "olfaction" it is in the temporal lobe?
    olfactory area
  65. what lobe is posterior to parietal lobe, and extends over the cerebellum?
    occipital lobe
  66. what lobe has visual receiving area & association area that interprets impulse that comes from retina of the eye?
    occipital lobe
  67. what area is the visual receiving area & association area for interpreting impulse that comes from retina of eye?
    visual area
  68. what lobe exists but you cant see it from the outside?
  69. Vermis
  70. what neuroglial cell is this?
  71. what does this illustrate?
  72. label
    • a- axon
    • b- dendrites
    • c- cell body
  73. label 1,2,3,4
  74. 1- polarization
    • 2- depolarization
    • 3- action potention
    • 4- repolarization
Card Set
nervous system part 2
human body