CRJ SkyWest.txt

    • author "captstp"
    • tags "CRJ 200 700 900 "
    • description "CRJ Limitations SkyWest 200/700/900"
    • fileName "CRJ SkyWest.txt"
    • freezingBlueDBID -1.0

    • CRJ 200
    • Max Ramp Weight
    • 53,250 lbs
  1. CRJ 200
    Max T/O Weight
    53,000 lbs
  2. CRJ 200
    Max Landing Weight
    47,000 lbs
  3. CRJ 200
    Max Aft Cargo Weight
    3,500 lbs
  4. CRJ 700
    Max Ramp Weight
    75,250 lbs
  5. CRJ 700
    Max T/O Weight
    • 75,000 lbs
    • (74,999 lbs Delta/Alaska)
  6. CRJ 700
    Max Landing Weight
    67,000 lbs
  7. CRJ 700
    Max Aft Cargo
    3,740 lbs
  8. Alaska CRJ 700
    Max Aft Cargo
    4,375 lbs
  9. CRJ 700
    Max Forward Cargo
    1,000 lbs
  10. CRJ 900
    Max Ramp Weight
    85,000 lbs
  11. CRJ 900
    Max T/O Weight
    84,500 lbs
  12. CRJ 900
    Max Landing Weight
    75,100 lbs
  13. CRJ 900
    Max Aft Cargo
    3,740 lbs
  14. CRJ 900
    Max Forward Cargo
    • 1,700 lbs
    • (850 lbs per bin)
  15. CRJ 200
    Max Operations Altitude
    37,000 ft.
  16. CRJ 700/900
    Max Operations Altitude
    39,000 ft.
  17. CRJ
    Max Tailwind
    10 kts.
  18. CRJ 200
    0.85 M
  19. CRJ 700
    • 0.85 M
    • (0.83 RVSM)
  20. CRJ 900
    • 0.84 M
    • (0.82 RVSM)
  21. CRJ 700/900
    Vfo Flaps 1 & 8
    230 KIAS
  22. CRJ 200
    Vfo Flaps 8 & 20
    200 KIAS
  23. CRJ 200
    Vfe Flaps 8 & 20
    215 KIAS
  24. CRJ 700/900
    Vfe Flaps 20
    230 KIAS
  25. CRJ
    Vfe Flaps 30
    185 KIAS
  26. CRJ
    Vfe Flaps 45
    170 KIAS
  27. CRJ 200
    V Tire
    182 K GS
  28. CRJ 200
    V ADG Deploy Max
    250 KIAS
  29. CRJ 200
    V Wipers OPS Max
    220 KIAS
  30. CRJ 700
    V Tire
    182 K GS
  31. CRJ 700
    V ADG Deploy Max
  32. CRJ ALL
    Vlo Extend
    220 KIAS
  33. CRJ ALL
    Vlo Retract
    200 KIAS
  34. CRJ 900
    V Tire
    195 K GS
  35. CRJ 700/900
    V ADG Deploy Max
  36. CRJ ALL
    280 KIAS/ .75M
  37. CRJ 700/900
    V Wipers OPS Max
    250 KIAS
  38. CRJ 200
    Hydraulics norm psi
    • 2950-3050
    • (green)
  39. CRJ 200
    Hydraulics Level
    • 45%-85%
    • (green)
  40. CRJ 700/900
    Hydraulics norm psi
    • 3000 psi
    • (green)
  41. CRJ 200
    Min Spoiler Speed
  42. CRJ 700/900
    Min Spoiler Speed
  43. CRJ
    Flight Spoiler/Flap Limitation
    must not beextended in flight with flaps greater than 30°
  44. CRJ 200
    CF34-3B1 ITT
    Max Continuous Thrust
    860°C (red)
  45. CRJ 200
    CF34-3B1 ITT
    Max Start
    900°C (red)
  46. CRJ 700
    CF34-8C1/8C5B1 ITT
    Max Continuous Thrust
    927°C (red)
  47. CRJ 700/900
    Max Start
    815° (red)
  48. CRJ 900
    CF34-8C5 ITT
    Max Continuous Thrust
    960°C (red)
  49. CRJ Cold Start Limitation oil press
    • Engine must remain at idle thrust until oil psi returns
    • to normal range
  50. CRJ
    Max Oil Refil
    2 QT without dry motoring
  51. CRJ 200 Engine
    Starter Duty Limits
    • 60 sec ON---10 sec OFF
    • 60 sec ON---10 sec OFF
    • 60 sec ON---5 min OFF
    • 60 sec ON---5 min OFF
  52. CRJ 700/900 Engine
    Starter Duty Limits
    • 90 sec ON---10 sec OFF
    • 90 sec ON---10 sec OFF
    • 90 sec ON---5 min OFF
    • 90 sec ON---5 min OFF
    • 90 sec ON---5 min OFF
  53. CRJ all
    Max Fuel Imbalance
    800 lbs
  54. CRJ 200
    Max Fuel Imbalance for T/O
    800 lbs
  55. CRJ 700/900
    Max Fuel Imbalancefor T/O
    300 lbs
  56. CRJ 200
    Min Fuel for Go-Around
    • 450 lbs per wing
    • (amber)
  57. CRJ 700/900
    Min Fuel for Go-Around
    600 lbs per wing
  58. CRJ
    Prohibited during approach
  59. CRJ
    Prohibited for VOR approaches
  60. CRJ
    Min Use Elevation after T/O
    600 feet AGL
  61. CRJ
    Min Elevation Use Non-Precision/Visual Approach
    400 feet AGL
  62. CRJ 200
    Min Elevation Use Precision Approach
    80 Feet AGL
  63. CRJ 700
    Min Elevation UsePrecision ApproachILS
    • GS ≤3.5°---80 feet AGL
    • ILS GS >3.5° and ≤4.0°--- 120 feet AGL (airports at & below 4000')
  64. CRJ 900
    AFCS Min Elevation Use Precision Approach
    • GS ≤3.5° - 80 feet AGL
    • Single Engine:
    • Airport Elevation ≤4000 feet--- 110 feet AGL
    • Airport Elevation >4000 feet---Prohibited
  65. CRJ 200/900
    ILS Glidepath >3.5°
  66. CRJ 900
    AFCS min alt Single Engine
    • 110 feet AGL or published DH,
    • whichever is higher (airports at or below 4000' only)
  67. CRJ all
    Non-Precision Approach
    may not be used 50 feet below the approved MDA or 400 feet AGL, whichever is higher
  68. CRJ 200
    Starter Duty Limits
    • Aircraft Battery
    • 2x30 sec ON---20 min OFF
    • 2x30 sec ON---40 min OFF
    • External Power
    • 2x15 sec ON---20 min OFF
    • 2x15 sec ON---40 min OFF
  69. CRJ 700/900
    APU Starter Duty Limits
    three starts/start attempts in one hour. A 2 minute delay between cranking attempts for cooling and APU Drainage.
  70. CRJ
    Max Diff Pressure
    8.7 psi
  71. CRJ 200
    Emer Depress
    14,250 ± 750 ft.
  72. CRJ 700/900
    Emer Depress
    14,500 ± 500 ft.
  73. CRJ
    Emer Depress Switch prohibited above
    15,000 feet
  74. CRJ 700/900
    VS Climb Limit above____
    • Limit climb to less than
    • 1,500 FPM above FL300
  75. CRJ
    Engine N2 Idle
    No greater than 2% split
  76. CRJ
    N2 __% with OAT -20°C or warmer
    • N2 is 57% or less with
    • OAT of -20°C or warmer do not
    • accelerate above idle. This
    • indicates a mechanical problem
  77. CRJ
    Engine Warm-Up oil pressure
    The engines must remain at idle until oil pressure reaches normal range
  78. CRJ
    N1 Limitation
    After Start ( ___% for ___ min.)
    • Do not exceed 75% N1 for 2
    • minutes after start or until all
    • operating limitations are in
    • normal range, whichever is
    • longer
  79. CRJ
    Engine start after being cold-soaked for 8 hours with temperatures below -30°C
    engines must be motored for 60 seconds and fan rotation verified before engine start is initiated
  80. CRJ 200
    Thrust reverser after being cold-soaked for more than 8 hours
    must be actuated until the deploy and stow cycles are less than 5 seconds
  81. CRJ 700/900
    Thrust Reversers cold weather
    actuated until the delpoy cycle is 2 seconds with an additional 2 seconds for the stow cycle
  82. CRJ 700/900
    Engine high-power schedule
    prohibited except as directed by the QRH
  83. CRJ
    Mandatory use of Continuous Ignition
    (5 conditions)
    • Continuous Ignition must be used during the following:
    • a) Takeoff and landing on contaminated runways
    • b) Crosswind components >10 kts (CRJ 200 only)
    • c) Moderate or heavier intensity rain
    • d) Moderate or greater intensity turbulence
    • e) Flight in the vicinity of thunderstorms
  84. CRJ
    Thrust Rev. Takeoff and Ldg limitations
    • Do not Takeoff with:
    • b) REV icon displayed on N1 gauge
    • c) L or R REV UNLOCKED caution message
    • Landing: max reverse thrust is not permitted below 75 KIAS. Below 60 KIAS, reverse thrust must be @ idle (below 30% N1)
  85. CRJ
    Engine oil replenishment system
    checked within 3 minuted to 2 hours after every engine shutdown
  86. CRJ 200
    N2 limit second engine start with APU running
    operating engine not exceed 70% N2
  87. CRJ
    Center fuel tank takeoff limitation
    500 lbs in the center tank is not permitted unless each main tank is above 4,400 lbs
  88. CRJ
    Fuel temperature limitation for takeoff
    Takeoff with engine fuel temperature indications below +5°C is prohibited
  89. CRJ
    Bulk fuel temperature for takeoff
  90. CRJ
    Bulk fuel freezing point
  91. CRJ 200
    Maximum Altitude
    Maximum authorized altitude FL 370
  92. CRJ 700/900
    Maximum Altitude
    Maximum authorized altitude FL 390
  93. Reduced Thrust Takeoff Limitations
    (7 conditions)
    • Reduced thrust takeoff is PROHIBITED when:
    • 1) Cowl and/or wing anti-ice is selected on
    • 2) The takeoff runway is contaminated with standing water, ice, or snow
    • 3) Tailwind component in excess of 5 knots
    • 4) Windhsear warnings or downdrafts have been forecast or reported
    • 5) Anti-skid is inoperative
    • 6) Takeoff behind a heavy
    • 7) CRJ 200 Flaps 8 takeoff
  94. Reduced thrust on wet runways
    Use of reduced thrust on wet runways is permitted
  95. CRJ 200
    Min reduced N1 value
    3a1 85%, 3b1 83.5%
  96. Conditions conducive to icing in flight
    TAT is 10°C or below and visible moisture in any form is encountered except SAT -40°C (-40°F) or below
  97. Cowl anti-ice selection for takeoff--
    ON when OAT is 10°C or below and visible moisture in any form is present (fog with vis of 1 mile or less, rain, snow, sleet, and ice crystals)
  98. Cowl anti-ice required on the ground
    OAT 10°C or below operating on ramps, taxiways, or runways where surface snow, ice, standing water or slush is present
  99. CRJ 200
    Wing anti-ice selection for final taxi
    OAT 5°C and colder (does not apply when type II or IV anti-ice fluid has been applied)
  100. CRJ 200
    Wing anti-ice for takeoff
    • OAT 5 and below Visible moisture in any form such as clouds, fog, or mist below 400' agl
    • Contaminated runway
    • Precipitation in any form
  101. Wet runway definition
    runway surface appears reflective with a water depth less than 1/8" or 3mm covering 100% of the runway surface.
  102. *CRJ 700/900
    Wet runway performance
    even if a wet runway is grooved you must use wet runway performance
  103. Max aft cargo equipped 700/900
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CRJ SkyWest.txt