Chapter 2 - IS 300

  1. business environment
    The combination of social, legal, economic, physical, and political factors in which businessesconduct their operations.
  2. business-information technology alignment
    The tight integration of the IT function with the strategy, mission, and goals of the organization.
  3. business process
    A collection of related activities that produce a product or a service of value to the organization, its business partners, and/or its customer
  4. primary activities
    Those business activities related to the production and distribution of the firm's products and services, thus creating value.
  5. support activities
    Business activities that do not add value directly to a firm's product or service under consideration but support the primary activities that do add value.
  6. digital dossier
    An electronic description of an individual and his or her habits.
  7. opt-in model
    A model of informed consent in which a business is prohibited from collecting any personal information unless the customer specifically authorizes it.
  8. profiling
    The process of forming a digital dossier.
  9. alien software
    Clandestine software that is installed on your computer through duplicitous methods.
  10. certificate authority
    A third party that acts as a trusted intermediary between computers (and companies) by issuing digital certificates and verifying the worth and integrity of the certificates.
  11. cold site
    A backup location that provides only rudimentary services and facilities.
  12. secure socket layer (SSL)(also known as transport layer security)
    An encryption standard used for secure transactions such as credit card purchases and online banking.
  13. least privilege
    A principle that users be granted the privilege for some activity only if there is a justifiable need to grant this authorization.
  14. privilege
    A collection of related computer system operations that can be performed by users of the system.
  15. public-key encryption(also called asymmetric encryption)
    A type of encryption that uses two different keys, a public key and a private key.
  16. tunneling
    A process that encrypts each data packet to be sent and places each encrypted packet inside another packet.
  17. virtual private network (VPN)
    A private network that uses a public network (usually the Internet) to securely connect users by using encryption.
  18. warm site
    A site that provides many of the same services and options of the hot site, but does not include the company's applications
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Chapter 2 - IS 300