
  1. Tagma
    The fusion of two or more body segments.
  2. Procuticle
    Deep and thick, made of chitin and proteins, as well as calcium sometimes.
  3. Epicuticle
    Thinner and superficial, made of lipids and proteins, repels water and provides protection from dehydration.
  4. Ecdysis
    Molting. The old shell is lost so the new shell can take its place.
  5. Tracheal system
    Insect respiratory system, uses many pores to feed oxygen directly to its tissue.
  6. Compound eyes
    advanced eyes that specialize in color and motion.
  7. Malpigian tubules
    A more efficient excretory system, reduce water loss in waste expulsion.
  8. Subphylum Trilobita
    Extinct. Trilobites; Bottom dwellers, similar characteristics of horseshoe crabs. Could roll up like pill bugs.
  9. Subphylum Myriapoda
    Tagmatized into a head and trunk, houses class Chilopoda and Diplopoda.
  10. Class Chilopoda and Diplopoda
    The centipedes and millipedes respectfully. Chilo's have one pair of legs per segment while the Diplo have 2 pairs.
  11. Subphylum Chelicerata
    Scorpions, spiders, ticks, etc.; Head and thorax are combined into cephalothorax.
  12. Chelicerae and pedipalps
    Modified appendages, they handle food.
  13. Spider fang
    Modified appendage, secretes digestive fluids.
  14. Gnathobase
    Horseshoe crab appendage, grinds their food.
  15. Subphylum Crustacea
    Crabs, lobsters, etc.; Mostly marine, pill bug being an exception. Have mandibles.
  16. Cervical groove
    carapace ends at this region, the end of the carapace.
  17. Carapace
    Hard cover covering the head of the crayfish.
  18. Atennules and antenna
    Specialized appendages for sensory perception.
  19. Maxillae and mandibles
    Maxillae moves food to the mandibles, whom crush food.
  20. Maxillipeds
    Modified appendages that make up mouth parts after the mandible.
  21. Walking legs
    Bigger legs used to walk around or help swim.
  22. Chelipad
    The pincer, used in defense.
  23. Uropod and telson
    the "fins" on the crayfish, used to help swim.
  24. Copulatory swimmeret
    used by males to help with mating
  25. Seminal receptacle
    Found on females, expels eggs for fertilization.
  26. Statocyst
    A balance sensory receptor.
  27. Gills and Gill chamber
    Used for gas exchange.
  28. Bailer
    Moves constantly to keep a current on the gills.
  29. Cardiac and pyloric stomache
    Churn and chew food.
  30. Gastric teeth
    Hard teeth like structure found in the pyloric stomach.
  31. Ganglia
    clusters of neuron cell bodies, act as the brain.
Card Set
Phylum Arthropoda featuring subphylum Trilobita, subphylum Myriapoda, Class Chilopoda and Diplopoda, Subphylum Chelicerata and subphylum Crustacea