
  1. Muscular Foot
    The means of locomotion for a mollusc, highly modified across Phyllys.
  2. Mantle
    A dorsal membrane that secretes the shell.
  3. Radula
    A rough tongue that rasps food.
  4. Class Polyplacophora
    Chitons; Their shell consists of 7 or 8 flattened dorsal plates.
  5. Class Gastropoda
    Snails, slugs, abalones, etc.; Well developed head, uses torsion to balance shells, only non aquatic mollusc.
  6. Class Bivalvia
    Clams, mussels, etc.; 2 Shells hinged on the dorsal side, no radula and reduced head
  7. Class Cephalopoda
    Squids, Octopuses, nautiluses, and cuttlefish; reduced or absent shell, advanced eyes, tentacled foot, well developed head.
  8. Tentacle (snail)
    2 pairs on the head, used as eye stalks and feelers.
  9. Pneumostome
    Brings air into the respiratory chamer of the snail.
  10. Planospiral
    The flat coil of the snail shell
  11. Conispiral
    non flat curl of the snail shell.
  12. Byssal threads
    Attaches a mussel to a hard surface. Very hard substance.
  13. Umbo
    The point of a bivalve organisms shell, where they connect.
  14. Siphons
    Do gas, food, and waste exchange for the clam.
  15. posterior (clam)
    Opposite end of the umbo.
  16. Anterior and Posterior adductor muscles
    Muscles that contract to pull the two valves together.
  17. Lateral Teeth
    Assist in correct closing of valves
  18. Pseudocardinal teeth
    Assist in correct closing of the valves.
  19. Pallial line
    The line where the mantle attached to the valves (via pallial muscle)
  20. Growth lines
    External evidence of growth on the valves.
  21. Nacreous layer
    The smooth innermost layer that is in contact with the animal.
  22. Prismatic layer
    the strongest layer of the shell made of large crystals of calcium carbonate.
  23. Periostracum
    An outer waterproofing and protective layer.
  24. Hemocoels
    Open cavities that bath the tissues directly with hemolymph.
  25. Hymolymph
    Acellular substance which functions like blood.
  26. Funnel
    The squid uses the funnel to suck water in and out, expels waste, and expels ink. Uses it for propulsion as well.
  27. Mantle collar
    The bottom part of the mantle of a squid that rings around the head.
  28. Pen
    The pseudo shell of a squid, made of chiton.
  29. Nidamental glands
    Provide shell material for the eggs of a squid.
  30. Ink sac
  31. Sepia
    The "ink" of a squid, a melanin-rich substance.
  32. Branchial heart
    2 are found in a squid, each pumping for their respective gills.
  33. Systemic heart
    Pumps blood through out entire body.
Card Set
The phylum Mollusca featuring Polyplacophora, Gastropoda, Bivalvia and Cephalopoda