vocab 05.28.10

  1. corporal
    • adj
    • bodily
  2. corporation
    • noun
    • body authorized by law to carry to an activity with the rights and duties of a single person
  3. corps
    2 def
    • noun
    • 1. organized body of persons
    • 2. brance of the military, as the Marine Corps
  4. corpse
    • noun
    • dead body
  5. corpulent
    • adj
    • bulky; obese; very fat
  6. corpus
    • noun
    • general collection or body of writings, laws, etc
  7. corpuscle
    2 def
    • noun
    • 1. blood cell (literally, a "little body")
    • 2. body of the victim in a murder case
  8. corpus delicti
    2 def
    • noun
    • 1. facts proving that a crime has been committed
    • 2. body of the victim in a murder case
  9. esprit de corps
    • noun
    • spirit of a body of persons; group spirit
  10. habeas corpus
    2 def
    • noun
    • 1. writ (order) requiring a detained person to be brought before a court in to investigate the legality of that person'd detention (the write begins with the words habeas corpus, meaning "you should have the body")
    • 2. right of a citizen to secure court protection against illegal imprisonment
  11. incorporate
    • verb
    • combine so as to form one body
  12. aqueduct
    • noun
    • artifical channel for conducting water over a distance
  13. conducive
    • adj
    • tending to lead tol contributive; helpful
  14. conduct
    • verb
    • lead; guide; escort
  15. deduction
    2 def
    1 ant
    • noun
    • 1. taking away; subtraction
    • ant: addition
    • 2. reasoning from the general to the particular
  16. duct
    • noun
    • tube or channel for conducting a liquid, air, etc
  17. ductile
    2 def
    • adj
    • 1. able to be drawn out or hammered thin (said of metal)
    • 2. easily led; docile
  18. induce
    • verb
    • lead on; move by persuasion
  19. induct
    • verb
    • admit ("lead in") as a member; initiate
  20. induction
    2 def
    • noun
    • 1. ceremony by which one is made a member; initiation
    • 2. reasoning from the particular to the general
  21. seduction
    • noun
    • enticement; leading astray into wrongdoing
  22. traduce
    • verb
    • (literally, "lead along" as a spectacle to bring into disgrace); malign; slander; vilify; calumniate
  23. viaduct
    • noun
    • bridge for conducting a road or railroad over a valley, river, etc.
  24. consecutive
    • adj
    • following in regular order; seccessive
  25. consequence
    2 def
    • noun
    • 1. that which follows logically; result
    • 2. importance, as a person of consequence
  26. execute
    2 def
    • verb
    • 1. follow through to completion; carry out
    • 2. put to death
  27. inconsequential
    • adj
    • of no consequence; trivial; unimportant
  28. prosecute
    2 def
    • ver
    • 1. follow to the end or until finished
    • 2. conduct legal proceedings against; sue
  29. sequel
    • noun
    • something that follows; continuation; consequence; outcome
  30. sequence
    • noun
    • the following of one thing after another; succession; orderly series
  31. sequential
    • adj
    • arranged in a sequence; serial
Card Set
vocab 05.28.10
corp, duc, secut